Raspberry leaf tea

I added a spoon of sugar and drank it warmish. It's defo a taste your remember lol x
Is it better to have the tablets then do we think?x
I heard the tea is better than tablets as you can really make a good strong cup. But I think its personal choice hun x
Ermmmm I got a box from Holland and barrett for £3 something I think.... I got 50 bags and still have some left.

X x
I brought some RLT yesterday from holland and Barrett and they were half price so only £3 but they were the capsules.

It does say on the bottle it can be made into tea by splitting the capsule. I tried it last night and it was that bad it made me feel sick lol (don't know if I was doing something wrong lol) I think I'll stick to taking it in the capsule form.

I'm taking the capsules as don't fancy having to drink it all the time, I only have a couple of cuppas a day and don't fancy them all being RLT. The advice from my midwife was 36-37 weeks and when I asked at Holland and Barrett they said from 37 weeks, so I went straight in with the 6 capsules a day (max amount recommended) - here's hoping it does what it promises!
What does it do though? :s

Apparently it helps the uterus to contract better and makes it more stretchy - thats just what I've read anyway. It says it doesn't actually induce labour. I've ran out and I love it so need to get some more :)

Yeah it doesn't induce labour it's just supposed to help with the later stages of labour and speed it up xx
& stop u tearing as badly doesnt it I heard?x
I used it with two labours and didn't with the twins. I thought it helped, might be psychological but even I'd it is that's all good xx
is it only somewhere like holland and barrets that sell it cos all i can see is raspberry tea which is different right?

has to be the leaf tea. xxx
I got mine from Tesco its def raspberry leaf x
Oh im gonna go out and get some of this too then if your suppose to start at 32 weeks, what happens if you drink more than your suppose too? will you shoot the baby out in 5 mins instead of hours? lol.
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Oh im gonna go out and get some of this too then if your suppose to start at 32 weeks, what happens if you drink more than your suppose too? will you shoot the baby out in 5 mins instead of hours? lol.

Haha if only!

Think your just supposed to build it up gradually how much you drink? X

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