Quiet patterns


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2010
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Have any of u lovely ladies noticed patterns of when ur lo is quiet?

Pip was really quiet last Tuesday, Wednesday and half of Thursday. So far Pip has been quiet quiet today. Had a few kicks from him but nothing compared to yesterday.

Im not worried about it, just wondering if u have noticed patterns?

Thanks ladies xx
I've noticed patterns during the day, my bubs is kicking like made around noon, 6pm and 11pm but is quieter at other times. She is definately more active some days than others as well but I haven't noticed a definate pattern with that. Today and yesterday she is in constant Cha Cha Cha practice.
Yup, me too!

Baby is quiet during the day all the time really! Its the night time little one decides its boogy time! I didn't feel any movement yesterday but having lots tonight!

I know they seem to go quiet if it's a growth spurt.

Its the first night for a few days that my lo has only given a few kicks.
Yeah I grew a bit last week when Pip was quiet. If he does this every week I'm gonna look like a beached whale!
I have a day of total mentalness then a couple of quieter days he he

Pip is the same!

He went crazy from Thursday afternoon until last night and he has been quieter since then. Had the Doppler out this morning to make sure as I hadn't felt anything but he was all good.

Getting booted now which is reassuring - just not that he is gonna grow loads! He was already measuring 25 weeks at my 23 week midwife!!! Gonna have a chunky monkey I think!
So glad you posted this. Bear cub had been so super active for weeks now and then all of a sudden on Monday went quiet. I could still feel him but only flutters as opposed to my entire belly moving. Me and OH feel a lot better now after reading this and he's still moving just not quite as crazily. I also read it might be to do with position - so if he's facing inwards then you can't feel his movements as much - can anyone confirm?

Also anyone desperately needing to pee all the time? I'm pretty sure bear cub is using my bladder as a pillow as I have started getting real sudden urges to pee!
My little man the same, pretty quiet all day then party time at night!

Had a day or so last week where i hadnt been feeling the kicks as strongly, but that soon changed!

Also i have an anterior placenta so dont always feel it strongly at front xx
yep...very quiet days and then not so quiet days.......suppose like us just some days they have lazy days ;:) he he x
Well I've had his bum poking out if the right side of my bump for most of the day!

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