Question to the dental nurse???? - vixxie77


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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Sorry, cannot remember who it is but I know someone on here works as a dental nurse, or in a practice or
Anyways, I've been waking up most mornings recently with lots of dried blood between my teeth (gross I know!), and sometimes my gums bleed during the day too. My teeth have also moved a lot since being pregnant - bit pissed off actually cos I just spent £1500 having a brace done privately and my gums have got so rubbish that my teeth have gone back to where they were originally!!
I haven't got an appointment with my dentist till august, so just wanted to check this was relatively normal and my teeth will be ok till then!! My stepmum's mum lost all her teeth in pregnancy and although I know it was years ago I'm still having nightmares about it!

If anyone else is having lots of gum bleedage, please feel free put my mind at rest :P
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i have constant mouth probs midwife has me on extra calcuim at mo

fr bleeding brush as normal use corsodyl mouthwash 3 times a day and floos twice a day flossing very improtant and i was told the more they bleed the more you need to brush sometimes mine are pooring as i brush but just keep going and i suggest seeing your dentist asap iv already lost one tooth :(
I have got to have 4 fillings, my teeth have just disintegrated!

Thank god it's free!
It's vixxie77 who works in a dentist surgery. She responded to my dental post last week.
Ooh I thought it began with a v, cheers spc!!

Eek serenitylove, you've scared me now lol! I have tried flossing but it looks like something off texas chainsaw massacre :S
I have always had good teeth up till now, no fillings etc, so hoping they'll be ok!
Might try to bring my dentists app forward though :)
Cheers guys! x

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