

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I think my teeth are falling out! :shock:

I have been having really bad sugar cravings and this last week it has been taken to an all new high.

When it's halloween and you lock the door and turn off the lights on then proceed to eat all of the sweets you have for the trick or treaters you know you have a problem. :lol:

I have an existing problem with a tooth which I had patched up in July just before I found out I was pregnant. I was having a filling replaced and the dentist said the cavity had gone into the pulp or something so he couldn't do it properly. He then basically told me it was beyond saving, i.e. he recommended I have it out, but then when I pushed him on it he said it could be saved with a root filling but then he said he didn't do them and he would have to refer me to his mate who could do it privately and it would cost me several hundred pounds. I'm an NHS patient.

I was most cross about this because I don't want my tooth out if it could be saved just because my dentist is too lazy/money grabbing - delete as appropriate. You can apparetly have root filling work done on the NHS for the highest band £190 something quid I believe it is.

Anyways, I have been trying my hardest to keep them in tip top condition since that appointment with floss/interdental brushes mouthwash etc but I think I am failing a bit.

I have pain in the tooth that is a bit rotten and the other side of my mouth is hurting. There is a blood bath every time I use the tee pee brushes for in between my teeth so I have been put off doing that for a bit now but I think I might have loads of cavities.

Has anyone had any dental work done whilst pregnant? Will the dentist do it even?

I've been putting it off because I think he is going to try and make me have it out and I don't want it out if it can be saved. I hate how the system has become half 'americanised' it provides a disincentive for dentists to treat their NHS patients when they can claim from private patients with dental plan insurance.

Regarding the cost, don't you get free dental treatment with NHS when you're pregnant??
yes you get free nhs treatment when preg. but they dont like to use anaesthetic on you either. im having a couple of fillings next week and the only reason my dentist agreed to do them is cos i dont need anaesthetic while having them due to there not being nerves in those teeth anymore.
U do get free treatment whilst pregnant, u should've had a form from ur midwife for a maternity exemption card for free prescriptions and dental treatment.

Ive had two fillings :blush: since being pg and they did numb it first. One of them was quite a big one too.
I'm in a fair bit of pain so I've made an appointment but it's not until Monday :(

I might have to try and see if I can get an emergency one tomorrow or something
My mouth is still killing me :(

It feels like someone has kicked my face at the side. I can only eat after taking painkillers. Damnit. I hope the dentist cam sort me out tomorrow
Do you think you might have an absess forming hun? I had them recurring under a broken tooth last year and had it taken out in the end cos I looked like the elephant man (even more so than usual lmao)

I didn't want to lose the tooth either but at the end of the day I am grateful I did xxxxxxxxx
I've had similar pain to this before and it was an infection. I get it periodically and usually I can manage it with extra brushing and corsodyl rinses 3 times a day. Id take ibuprofen for the pain normally but that's out of the question. I don't want to be relying on painkillers just to eat so I hope it can be fixed somehow. I just feel anxious about it given the treatment will be limited and I don't want to be taking loads of painkillers :(

Ps it's the other side of my mouth to the other tooth lol
It sounds fairly similar to something I had quite a few years ago and ended up being treated with a root canal which sorted it out. NHS costs are covered under maternity exemption from the start of pregnancy to a year after the birth. I think you can also claim back if you have paid for treatment and then got your maternity exemption form (for up to 3 months before). As for treatment while pregnant, I have a lot of problems with my teeth and the dentist has been amazing since I got pregnant and even more attentive as pregnancy really affects your gums and teeth. Like larybelle, I have had a few fillings with local injections and they told me that was fine. I also started to get pregnancy tumours on my gums and almost had to go into hospital and get them removed under local but luckily we managed to get rid of them after a few intensive cleans from the hygienist *ouch*

So definitely get it seen and maybe try and find a new less money grabbing dentist if this one refuses to do the treatment on NHS.
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I had a filling with an anaesthetic a couple of weeks ago, he said it was perfect time because they only like to do treatment in the second trimester. Hope you get it sorted Hun, tooth pain really makes you feel poorly. Big hugs xx
Tooth pain is the worst I've got a similar problem to you, trying to brush it 3 times a day! Xx
When I was pregnant last time, my private dentist wouldn't honour my free NHS treatment, thankfully i'm with an NHS dentist now.

Tooth pain is the worst, hope you get it sorted soon
Well this is just marvellous.

The dentist was full of ideas as to what it might be, but didn't have solutions to many of them. Fabulous.

My teeth and gums look healthy and there doesn't appear to be any cavities. He couldn't rule out a crack in a tooth though, which he would need to xray to find out and he won't give me an xray because I am pregnant.

I might be grinding my teeth in my sleep which has caused irritation - no solution given to this one.

I have a misalignment with my jaw which might be causing problems - again, no solution to this one.

My wisdom tooth is cutting, it might be that. No solution for me whilst pregnant.

I might have an infection in my sinuses which is affecting my jaw. Could be fixed with anti - bs, but might not. He would only recomment anti bs as a last resort as I am pregnant.

So all in all, I have come away with no answers. My worst nightmare. :cry:
It's still hurting.... raaaaaaar

I'm such a moaner.
Awwwwww, noooooooooo! Tooth pain is just agony so I have lots and lots of sympathy for you. Your dentist sounds poop - my tooth problem that ended in a root canal stemmed from me grinding my teeth in my sleep. They didn't need an X-ray to diagnose that they could apparently tell from my bite. So they made an imprint of my teeth and constructed me a tooth guard to sleep in. It's ridiculous that he's doing nothing about your problem - can you see another dentist??? xxxxx

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