Question for you ladies...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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When you go into labour, some midwives give you the option to see your baby coming out. Is it just me, or does the idea of this freak anyone else out? I've seen it on tv and doesn't look nice.

So, if you were given the option to see... Would you?xx
Like with a mirror?

No thanks! I don't even want to feel his hear coming out!

I wanna see!! Would freak me out probably but it would be amazing!! If everyone else is lookin at my foof I wanna look!!
I think I would want to , prob only if things going great and I'm not ripped I guess lol. Spose it will be wierd to see but amazing too!!
Something I've never actually thought about! But don't think I would no!
lol no thanks, i wouldnt let hubby go down that end either he was there to hold my hand thats it lol
I had a emergency section and could see everything they were doing in the metal reflection of the ceiling lights! Not really the same thing but was freaky!!! x

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I really wanted to see with both my boys but the first time I forgot coz I was in so much pain, mason was back to back and the only thing I saw was a squirt of blood hit the midwife as I tore. I,m glad I didn't, have a mirror then coz I,d freak out if I seen myself tear.

I had a water birth the second time and couldn't see anything. I was my friend birth partner and saw her baby's head coming and it wasn't nearly as bad as some of the you tube vids I watched were. If I don,t get another water birth then I want to see it this time, it may help me focus when I can see how I,m doing.
I think if they offered - i would - im quite like things like that - i had a right good nosey when they took out my implant - the doctor was kinda freaked out. lol
I had a emergency section and could see everything they were doing in the metal reflection of the ceiling lights! Not really the same thing but was freaky!!! x

Sent from my nearly buggared iPhone!!

Ok now that's freaky!!!

As for looking down there, erm no thanks!!! I don't see it as the most attractive place anyway and then for it to be stretched to the size of a pack of dairylee triangles no no and nope lol xx
hmmm no don't think I want to see it - also dont think I'll be taking up the offer of touching the head while it's crowning :oooo: :shock: xx
hmmm no don't think I want to see it - also dont think I'll be taking up the offer of touching the head while it's crowning :shock:
oops double post!
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Eeek no!! Scares me enough thinking about it let alone seeing the action!

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