Question about ovulation

I have felt so miserable all day! Literally just wanting to cry at the slightest thing. This ttc business is just too much sometimes :-(

I hope you are feeling a bit better today sweetie?

Still feeling pretty rubbish. I've had a horrible aching back all day and stabbing pains that come and go in my left lower side. Not sure whether to read anything into them or not xx
Maybe ov pains? I get them. Just bd regularly and you will catch it. Unless your OH has a low count? Then keep it to every 3 days.

Sorry you're stressed. :hugs: Horrible isn't it? I'm okay at the moment cos AF is just on her way out and am looking forward to trying again. Once that 2ww comes though, I'm a mess!

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nicky, if you dont want to splurge on the digis try some FR ones. they are not as expensive and the quality is great. the lines are very thin and red and very easy to read. what cd are you now? i read in my clomid instructions that you usually (but not a definate) will ov about 5-10 days after the last pill. when was your last one? ooohhh excitign there are a few of us on our first clomid cycle at the mo!! FX
If it helps when I was on clomid I got sharp stabbing pains around the time I should be oving and sore boobs! However I only got 2nd lines on opks once during the 6 months I was on clomid.

BD every 2 to 3 days anyway hun and as your on clomid you should be having blood tests on days 21 and 28 to see if you oved.

Hi ladies feeling much much better today thankfully :-)

Itsbabytime my last pill was on wednesday the 15th.

Heres a picture of my opks from today. See what you think


  • adjusted.jpg
    330.2 KB · Views: 13
Oooh the third down looks good. When I do cheap opks this is how dark my lines go wen I am about to ovulate. Maybe back it up with a more reliable brand ie CB or FR?? Eeek I think you will v v vsoon hope you have been bding lots!!!

I took my last on wed 22nd so a little behind you.
I've got one CB left (not a smilie tho) Was saving that for tomorrow? Yes been bding lots. Thats the strongest opk i have ever got (third one down) So fingers crossed!!!

What cycle days did you take yours hun? I took mine day 2-6 x
I took mine days 5-9. I read the earlier in your cycle ie 2-6 the more follicles u produce and the later on ie 5-9 the more mature the egg. I don't know if I believe this or not. I really don't know enough. All I know is that I hope this is our cycle!
I really hope this is our cycle too!! How long are your cycles normally? x
Oooo looking good hun.
Hmm I took mine from CD 2 to 7 (1 tablets a day for 5 days)

Weird there's so much differance in taking the same tablet :s
Yeah I know!! I thought I was taking it wrong when I saw someone else was takin it days 3-7!! Had to double check on my pack!!

I'm currently holding my pee so I can do another opk at 11!! Do you think I should do my last cb one?? Might do a cheapie first?? X
I am normally pretty regular. 27-29 days.

Hold your p till u feel like u will burst so it is nice and concentrated - ewwwwww I know! If your cheapie is pretty strong and you have ewcm I would go for it with the digi. Good luck!

I had a teeny bit of ewcm yday and just been to loo and there was a lot on the tissue but it could have been the left overs from last nights bd-ing if you get me - ewwww again!! Ill be opking just incase from today forward to watch for surge

Woop woop!!!!
I've not really been one for checking my ewcm. Didn't see the point as my cycles were always between 90 and 150 days!! Might give that a go today but like you could be leftovers from last nights bding!! I have had a bit of creamy discharge but not a lot! Tmi sorry!!

Still holdin my pee!!! Gonna have to go soon tho!!
Todays not as good!


  • adj.jpg
    418.2 KB · Views: 5
Oooh. I think you might have had your surge wen u had that really dark line before.
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Forgot to say, wen I get really strong +'s on brand tests even on a cheapy I still only get as dark as u did on the third down picture from the other day. I think u have ov'd hun!! Did u do any other brand tests on the day u got the dark line just to confirm??
No as i only peed on that one really quickly as i was at work! had a few stabbing pains in my left side again last night but not as bad as friday!! oooo i do hope i have ov'd!! very exciting!

Have you done your opk today? x
Just done them as realised I had lots of ewcm. Mega positive!!! I'm a charter so will watch for temp rise over next few days.


  • PF%20OPK2.jpg
    101.9 KB · Views: 8
wow! they are good lines!!! fingers crossed for you! x

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