Clomid/follicle size/ovulation question :o/

Oh maybe, that sounds really positive on the twin front!!! I would love twins. How many weeks until your early scan? X
I used clomid in the past & between 19mm & 23mm a follicle can rupture for ovulation. 3mm lining is quite thin but did you know that clomid does actually thin the uterine lining. It did this with me & it also made my cm thicker so its harder for the sperm to swim through plus after 6mths of clomid i never got my bfp so switched to tamoxifen & my lining was thicker 10mm+ on like cd10 & i got my bfp on my 2nd go of tamoxifen.

When your on the likes of clomid or tamoxifen these types of fertility meds shorten your cycle length to 28 days ( Most of the time ) it is unsuall to see a lining of 3mm on CD9 - it should be around 6/7mm by this time in the cycle. However your uterine lining grows 2mm per day so there is still time for your lining to catch up because If your biggest follicle was 11mm & a follicle grows 2 mm per day then you prob would ovulate around CD 14/15 & your lining had loads of time to catch up if it grows 2mm per day hun :)

As for your scans, you should have a scan while on fertility meds incase you do over stimulate & develope ohss ovary hyper stimulation syndrome. Its not unusal for these doctors to try & fob you off & not give you a scan because all they think about is money. They tried it with me onec & i spoke to my gp who wrote to the doctor & explained about how my health while taking fertility meds should be taking serioucly & i should be monitored ( which they did) in the end.

Goodluck hun x
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Good luck with it all Lara.

Girls who've had thinner linings... are your periods light? Mine are and I often wonder if it's because my lining isn't thick enough?


YES!! My periods have been very light for a year or more now. And now I know why. My lining isn't very thick :( I am trying to eat brazil nuts for selenium but thinking you guys are right, and progesterone is probably the way to go x

I love brazil nuts so I will get some and ask doc about lining. I've had a feeling I might need progesterone too xx
I used clomid in the past & between 19mm & 23mm a follicle can rupture for ovulation. 3mm lining is quite thin but did you know that clomid does actually thin the uterine lining. It did this with me & it also made my cm thicker so its harder for the sperm to swim through plus after 6mths of clomid i never got my bfp so switched to tamoxifen & my lining was thicker 10mm+ on like cd10 & i got my bfp on my 2nd go of tamoxifen.

When your on the likes of clomid or tamoxifen these types of fertility meds shorten your cycle length to 28 days ( Most of the time ) it is unsuall to see a lining of 3mm on CD9 - it should be around 6/7mm by this time in the cycle. However your uterine lining grows 2mm per day so there is still time for your lining to catch up because If your biggest follicle was 11mm & a follicle grows 2 mm per day then you prob would ovulate around CD 14/15 & your lining had loads of time to catch up if it grows 2mm per day hun :)

As for your scans, you should have a scan while on fertility meds incase you do over stimulate & develope ohss ovary hyper stimulation syndrome. Its not unusal for these doctors to try & fob you off & not give you a scan because all they think about is money. They tried it with me onec & i spoke to my gp who wrote to the doctor & explained about how my health while taking fertility meds should be taking serioucly & i should be monitored ( which they did) in the end.

Goodluck hun x

Interesting stuff! thanks hun, my mum had horrible side affects on tamoxifen for breast cancer. How did you find it?

I have had to book a separate scan privately which i will pay for because bupa wont cover follicle tracking scans - eughhh!!! x
Maybe oh my goodness? What amazing HCG levels! Go you!! AMAZING!!!

Bet you cannot WAIT for your scan!

Just noticed you said about pming my address. Thanks - you are a sweetie.

Just booked a follicle tracking scan and am going to have to pay for it. Going to have it done on wednesday - see how follies are looking. Im on CD 16 today with no sign of ovulation as yet. Worried that 50 clmid didnt work for me :o(

Helven - this month I have been private as I was covered by bupa for miscarriage investigation - which I am still having consultations for. But because I am not covered for fertility treatment, although the gynae has prescribed clomid, I then dont get the follicle scans! Ridiculous!!!

Looks like I will be having my treatment on nhs from next month, so hopefully they will do the follicle scanning as part of the deal.

x x

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