Putting newborn to bed ?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
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Can I have opinions please ....

Baby Olly is 10days old now and we are kind of getting into a feeding routine. His last feed before bed is around 7.30 - 9ish

My husband wants to take him upstairs to our room after his last feed to go to sleep, to try and get him to know the difference between day and night time.

We usually go to bed around 10 - 11ish. We have a monitor upstairs so he will only be alone for a few hours. And our house is tiny so we can hear everything.

Does anybody agree or disagree ??

Does anybody else do this or do you keep the baby with you downstairs until your own bedtime ?

Its such a difficult personal choice....... my first was about 8 weeks and my second about 4.5 months..I genuinely believe if you want to try it then go for it......if its not roght for you then bring him back :)
Personally I think 10 days old is a little young to be leaving on their own for a length of time, and also they're a bit too young to learn the difference between day and night at that age. My LO didn't get it until about 5 weeks and even then he was about three months until he slept through.
My daughter is 4 wks an she stays downstairs with us til we go to bed about 11 try ur lo see how it goes x
OH works until around 2am and so is practically nocturnal.
For the first two weeks or so, Cay lived on our sofa, with me until OH got home, then with OH whilst I went to bed, then OH would sleep once I got up again, and so on.

This was great, because it meant that pretty much straight after giving birth, I was having eight hours sleep a night.
After a coupla weeks, we decided it was unfair on Cay, and moved him to a bedtime routine which consisted of final bottle, bath, rest if bottle, massage, bed. As much as this then meant me waking four or five times a night to feed him, it wasn't too hard as his cot is right next to our bed (I mean literally, one side off and his mattress pushed against ours) so all I had to do was stretch out a hand and plug in a bottle.
It worked really well. We also stopped changing his nappy at night, so during the day, we'd have fun and games and chat during feeds, then at night, we'd put him to bed, give him kisses, then not touch or talk to him until morning. He very quickly went down to one feed a night, and now at six months is just starting to drop that one too. Xx
B is 4 &1/2 months old and still stays downstairs with us until we go to bed. The others were the same. It's personal choice I guess but definitely couldn't have put a newborn in another room alone xxx
I'm impressed that you're going to bed at 10/11!! I used to go to bed at 7/8 to get any sleep. I vaguely remember our daughter screaming from about 11 till 3am non stop :) oh the happy *sarcasm* memories!

If your newborn was anything like ours, you'll be changing how you do things all the time. Our routine actually fell into one where by she didn't even sleep upstairs at all! We did shifts on the sofa with her in the Moses basket (or rather her screaming in our arms!) while the other slept soundly upstairs!

I recall by 8 weeks she started sleeping more normally and thats when we started putting her upstairs alone before we went up.

You'll find your way :)

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
We started putting Rory to 'bed' in the evening at about 1 week old and then going up ourselves a few hours later: I think it helped him to get the day/night difference quite early- he didn't sleep through reliably until about 11 months old but he was always very good at sleeping for long stretches and I think not being with us chatting, TV noise in the background etc helped with this.
We did exactly what you have stated but didn't start til she was about 4 weeks old. I truly believe that motherhood is all about doing what is right for you, so go with your instincts. If you don't like it you don't have to do it again. x
Megan went up to bed in our room at 7-8 from the first week. We would feed her in our room or the nursery when needed, it was nice having some normality.
We used an angel care monitor from the beginning and kept checking on her.
Obviously not saying it worked every night as she wouldn't always settle, but it worked well for us.
You just have to go with what suits you and your little one hon xx
Jack (2) goes up to bed between 8-8.30 so i make Harry's (4mths) water's for his night feeds and we go upstairs then. I watch tv and he kicks about on my bed until he has his last feed at 9ish and he's usually asleep between 9.30-10 and then i either watch a little more tv or go to sleep myself. He & Jack have camera's in their rooms (Jack never cried out as a newborn and a sound monitor couldn't pick any noises up that he made) so when Harry's 5-6mths and moves into his own room at night (he naps in there already) we'll be able to see him and i can stay downstairs if I want but TBH i love watching tv in bed so i doubt that routine will ever change haha.

You do what you feel is right for you. If you're not happy leaving him on his own, change it x
I found at 10 days old my LO would never go down on her own so it was impossible to have any real break from her so she would stay downstairs with us till we went up.

All babies are different though and although we set the routine of bath, bottle, bed every night from around a week old, it still took at least 6-8 weeks before we seemed to be able to see results :) x
At such a young age bub won't understand the difference between night and day. They will sleep when they want to and feed when they want to.

James was always in the room with us until one of us went to bed until he was a few months...

At 10 days old your little one won't understand the difference between night and day and as carnat says he'll sleep when he wants and feed when he wants regardless of time lol.

My little one is 4 weeks old and it's only been these last few days we've introduced a routine. He has half of his last bottle, bath, rest of bottle then bed. We've found he won't settle without some background noise, so he has womb sounds playing to him until we come up to bed, about an hour later.

If you decide it try and introduce a routine be prepared for it to change numerous times over the course of the next few months.

Good luck xx
If your LO will sleep on his own then let him - just be prepared to get up and down a few times. They will develop their own routine which you will have to work around, so don't be disappointed if things change xx
Personally I wouldn't leave my baby alone so young, my little one is 7 weeks and we always have him in the same room as us.

10 days is a little too young to develop a routine, as they just want to be shown love with lots of cuddles. Every baby is different and they might take to a routine naturally early on but you should be prepared to feed/comfort on demand which will prob throw your routine out the window.

We did it from around 5-6 weeks. I think it really did help. He then went on his own room at 10 weeks and slept through ever since that night. You are the mummy, you do what you think best xx

She went upstairs alone at 6 m old. Until then she slept downstairs in a huge Moses basket in a dark corner of the living room with light dimmed etc.
She cried in her sleep or woke to crying up to 5 m old so I needed to be near her to put her back, strike her hair etc to comfort her before she completely wakes up herself.
I don't think it's practical to put upstairs a baby that young as you will end up going up and down all the time. Saying that if you have a breathing monitor and you don't mind the inconvenience of going up and down its not the end of the world.
Bare in mind that newborns like it noisy. Your little one may get upset in a very quiet environment.
I think 10 days may be a little young, we started a loose bedtime at 4 weeks, bath, bottle, bed around 8. Only because it suited her and us! She did and still does like quiet and darkness to sleep so popping her in her moses basket for a couple of hours knowing after 8 she wouldnt wake until 12 suited us both. go with your gut you know your baby best. But theres no need to push it yet though

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Each to their own, if something doesn't work you try something else!

We put both of them upstairs at 7pm for bedtime at 4/5 weeks. First started sleeping through at 12 weeks with a dreamfeed and this one at 6 weeks - (7-7)

We have an angelcare monitor for both, think putting them into their own rooms helped a lot.

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