I kept my daughter downstair with us, and she use to have a feed about 11 so i use to take her to upstairs to have a feed and the put her to bed. I gradually tried to feed her like 10 mins earlier than the night before sort of thing so that she would sleep longer and gradually get her out of have the late night feeds. It worked great up until she was about 4-5months old, i was breastfeeding and she started waking up every 2 hours or so lol. I found it great having her downstairs with us in the evening, i was abit worried about her being upstairs as although i had a sound monitor i didnt have one to go off if she stopped breathing (maybe thats me worrying too much lol). While she was downstairs tho she got use to the tv noice etc, which is good as she did wake up with every little noise. When she went into her own room at about 6 and half months i bought a monitor with a camera and its fab i wouldnt be without it, I still use it now the little tv the comes with it is in my room so is fab if she wakes in the night i can just see if the dummys in the cot if not i run it and give it back to her.