

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Im not sure if Im supposed to be feeling this now. Im at antenatal clinic tomorrow morning so I can ask there but just wondering if anyone else had this at 28 weeks.

Im feeling some pressure down right at the bottom of my bump and its a bit tender. I only feel it when I bend down but its even as much as getting into the car seat makes me flinch. I had to throw myself onto the sofa in the staff room today cos I really cant bend forward at all without feeling this pressure,and it just doesnt feel right.

Is this just one of those things that happens as baby grows? Im a bit worried it means his head is 'engaged' and its far too early for that!
could be anything honey, womb pressing on your bladder a bit, pelvis moving around to make room for the baby... i shouldnt worry too much honey its probably just babes posistioning xxx
Might be worth mentioning it to your MW hun, there's defo no pressure in the FuFu direction? :blush:

It might even be a UTI so I'd get it checked out hun xx
It kinda is in the fufu direction, I feel like I need to clench my pelvic floors when it happens. God I hope he just has his foot in my fooofoo! I was saying today I just want my baby now but I didnt mean I wanted him premature, I wanted a time machine to take me to august!
I suggest you ask your MW - it might just be baby nestling down in your pelvis Elvis xx
Sorry for being stupid about this, but its okay to wait til morning right? Just having worrying thoughts now. When it happened today I just thought, oh Il mention it to PF girlies tonight. I sort of expected you to tell me we all feel it. :doh:
You'll be fine until the morning unless you start getting painful cramps, bleeding or a gush/trickle of fluid (without watching a comedy) - try and lay down for half an hour or put your feet up/lay on your side; it might make a difference xx
Tiny - I had this a few weeks ago and and I was at my mw that same day. She said it was "normal" and just bub letting me know he/she was getting bigger? I was the same, I felt pressure when I leaned forward etc. I would def get it checked out of you are worried though hun xxx
Ah thats good to know, Thanks Erin. Ill relax for now, Im on the sofa under a blanket anyway thanks to a cold so Ill boss OH around tonight, got an appointment at 8.45 tomorrow morning to Ill mention it then. Must remember to tidy my lady garden in case they want a peek!!! :rofl:
Im seeing MW tomorrow too - and I had a waxing session yesterday, bikini line - the left side hurt so much I almost wet myself and the right side was a breeze!
my left side always hurts more too. My beautician has a theory that its cos the heart is on that side of the body. Aparently a lot of people say to her left side hurts more. Wierd eh?
Noones looked at my fluffet yet so far...they dont know if Ive even got one ;)
:rofl: the love juice got in some how :rofl:

Like RM said, any liquid, bleeding etc Ring Delivery (not A&E, delivery after 24 weeks)
:rofl: love juice!!!!

Thanks girls, I just had a really long bath and noticed my bump looked different. When I got out I had a sideways look in the mirror and its definately lower down, I was carrying really high. I think the boy must have really moved positions and Im noticing the change.

I'll def get in touch with the ward if I notice anything else change but otherwise, I havent the energy for anything, and Im in my PJs now and OH is cooking dinner (think I heard a pizza coming out the freezer :) )
Have to say Tiny my little one went head down about 2-3 weeks ago and my bump is very low. Its not engaged but they do say they turn around this time as room is getting tight - mine did do a somersult the other day and boy could i feel it. He/she is settled now head down again and i think bub will stay there. Have had some pains down there since but nothing that has worried me, just means that i have to lie down more - arrrr its a hard life hehe. But make sure you ask mw cos i'm no expert and its always best to ask xx
thankyou thats really reassuring. I'll definately mention it tomorrow, im having a GTT at antenatal clinic so got 2 hours to spare! They'll probably tell me its normal but Ill be able to relax then!

Its quite uncomfortable getting off the sofa now, I can see myself starting mat leave earlier than planned at this rate!
no what you mean i was laughing at myself yesturday cos i had to roll off the sofa and pull myself up!
getting in and out of cars is fairly comical too! I have to hang onto the bar thingy as I lift myself out, I look ridiculous!

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