Preparation TTC....

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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My OH and decided to TTC after I finished all my pills (came off 6 weeks ago). In preparation for TTC we both went on a diet and so far we're both about 8lb off being "normal". I started to take folic acid at the start of my last pack of pills. The only thing is I'm addicted to caffeine, I drink diet coke all day as I get it free at work, it's all I drink at home too. It's worse at weekends, at least 2 litres a day. I've tried to come off it, but failed again on Tuesday at 2:15pm (I didn't go sleep til 1:30 am and had to be up at 6:30, OH was at a mates and too scared not to BD as not had it for couple of days). I was so tired all day, even had a kip on my break, til 15 mins after the coke then i was like a spring chicken. Anyway what I want to know is, how does caffeine affect you TTC or in early pregnancy? Is it really important to try and wean myself off it :think:
By the way I am writing this with pint of coke in my hand, I need help!!!!!
I have no idea but after i failed to get pregnent (few days ago) i cant be botherd with cola or chocolate bars. I look at them now and think " is it worth eating/drinking this?" and the answer is no :D and i feel a lot better now iv gone a few days with out them.
sorry dont really know how caffeine would affect you ttc, other than it is a stimulant that raises blood sugar and blood pressure. good luck ttc xx
regardless of if it affects TTC it will effect you when you eventually get pregnanct and not in a good way. Your blood sugar levels get monitored and your blood pressure, and it aint a good thing if they are too high!

I struggles in these areas too and still am even though my LO is here. osing about this section because i am so broody at the moment but really cant get pregnanct just yet as I have to get in shape for my wedding!


Good luck to all you guys though!
Hi hun,

Well I have drank Diet Coke and Pepsi Max for as long as I can remember, as there is nothing else I really like barr Hot Chocolate, but that is not always available or wanted especially in hot weather, and then if you drink how much I do, the calories would soon mount up!!!

Well, about 2 months ago I decided I was going to completely change my diet, as I wanted to eat healthier and drink healthier - there is always such bad press about coke & pepsi......

So I tried some apple squah, which I quite liked, but stuck with pepsi max too, I alternated each drink, and now I can go days without even thinking about pepi Max, and it really didn't take long, and the headaches didn't last very long either - that is what has made me fail in the past - but if you are anything like me, you have to find another drink you can enjoy in place of it, otherwise you will never do it!

Obviously I also wanted to know what is safe for ttc and during pregnancy for the baby, I did find out that you can have up to 300mg a day!

There is more info on these 2 sites here........ ... 2_1148.asp

They should tell you everything you need to know hun!

Good Luck! xx
Thanks guys very useful advice. I've decided to go "cold turkey" starting from today. I got some squash, lemonade and appleade. Trouble is I didn't wake up til 11 and I've already had a nap and still feel tired. At least I don't smoke or drink then I'd really have alot of work to do!! And I lost another pound last week, only 8 to go til I'm "normal". Hopefully I can enjoy a little time with my new slimline figure before it's gone forever :roll: . A very small price to pay for a bundle of joy.
Welcome to the forum & most of all GOOD LUCK TTC :pray:

I'm caffeine'oholic - Try decaf or half caf :D I've cut right down but have to have my caffine or I'd go MAD :lol:
Hi Guys

I gave up caffine a few months ago and drink diet caffene free coke (you can get cans in Tesco) and caffene free coffee. I still have the odd cup of normal coffee if I am at MIL's house or if I'm out and they don't do caffene free. It took me about a week to wean myself off it and the headaches only lasted about 2 days.
I'm a woman mad with NO caffine in the morning so half caf had to be my way :lol:
i gave up caffeine a few weeks ago and i was really bad was drinking nothing but coffee all day long and if i wanted a cold drink id drink coke now i drink decaf coffee and squash or water i started by just having 1 normal coffee in morning then decaf rest of day and after a week switched completely had a headache for a few days and am still tired all time but its worth it
when my jamie was stillborn and they told me it could be placenta failure i looked into what could cause it and high blood pressure came up a hell of a lot for all different placenta problems and the only time during my pregnancy that i had really low blood pressure was when i had my diabetes test and had nothing to eat or drink that day i was really shocked to see how much cutting out my god knows how many cups of coffee in the morning had altered my blood pressure
obviously after losing one child i wont take any risks at all now so if coffee is a possible risk it had to go ready for ttc again
good luck fingers crossed, welcome to the forum and well done on ,osing weight, its not easy and you are doing fab, good luck with cutting out the cafeine, the benefits def out weigh the side effects so its all good. Of course you don't have to cut it out completely, a little of what you fancy does you good xx
Thanks for the useful advice, ladies. I think it's worth it too for the potential health risks (sorry to hear about your loss Rach) I've gone through cold turkey now (I didn't see much of Sunday for sleeping) and feeling pretty good. My boss offered me a promotion yesterday, and got cheque from pet insurance for my poorly (stupid) dog yesterday, and my OH got a bonus this month. So maybe (hopefully) this is my lucky month :pray:
My lucky month continues........ I had a phone call from the college today about a course I enquired about a few months ago and guess what!!!! They have added extra dates, so I start on Friday evenings from th 28th July. Trouble is it's a nine month course and if I get my BFP soon..... :think:

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