Opinion please?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2011
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Hi girls, just wanting your opinions on two things:

1. I have a slight addiction to diet coke, I drink roughly 3 cans a day but maybe more at the weekend, I tried to give up for lent but only lasted 4days! Should I try to cut it out completely? I don't drink any tea or coffee do this is really my only caffeine hit, I don't smoke and drink a few vodkas probably ever other weekend, just thinking that once I get my Bfp (fx!!) that I'll have 9 months of giving things up!

2. What's ur opinions on legs in the air/pillow under the bum after dtd? I find that the stuff leaks out anyway!! Lol

Just wanted to see what u all think?? Xx
Hi sweetie,

1) Diet Coke may not contian any caffeiene BUT is does contain a lot of another nasties (same as some sweetners - like Candarel) So I have given both diet Coke and sweetner up.

2) Pillow under bum / legs in air is fine but what really worked in terms of leakage was assuming the doggy style position after (or better still finsihing in doggy style). Very little leakage

Best of luck

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^^^ bums in the air worls best for me regarding leakage!!!! doggy then stay face down ass up!

as for the diet coke, you know coca cola do a caffeine free version? why dont you try that
Can you try wean yourself off it? Like, maybe replace one can a day with lemonade or even just buy the smaller cans? I've been told if I do get pregnant I'll have to avoid chocolate too because of the caffiene in it?? xxxx
chocolate is sooo minimal with the caffeine content though hun i am sure a bar or 2 niw and again would be ok. Coffee is the worst thing
I thought so, I don't think I'd eat anything if I listened to everything I'd been told! xx
lynette you just made me think of the face down ass up song :rotfl:

I used to be a coke addict..... by that I do mean coca cola, the trick for me was to find a really yummy drink to switch it for, which for me is orange and pineapple squash. My hot drink replacement for coffee is strawberry and mango tea :D
Hahaha thats the song i meant too! Face down ass up thats the way we like to fuck! Heh

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Thank I so much to all u ladies! Just a little bit of tmi to hopefully make u all giggle: I am currently typing this reply in the "face down, ass up position" post coital :)

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