Preparation or combating the blues?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I loved this thread last time i was in ttc, so I though I would start it up again :)

This thread is to write down the little things we do in preparation, maybe when we need a lift or feel we must do something.

We put money away in a money box every week for when our little bundle of joy arrives, think there is quite abit in there now :)
Im also knitting a blanket, got some more wool just before christmas so once the festivities are over ill get back to knitting (abit of me time when my little monkey is in bed and all the housework is done) x x
That's a nice idea M2A :)

I have picked out the nursery room and am dying to start decorating but i know if i never get pregnant it will be all "because i went and decorated the nursery" lol

I've made sure my dogs are baby/toddler friendly and they are amazing with children so that's reassuring.

And then i just read lots of pregnancy books and watch loads of programmes which is suppose have an entertainment value but i look at them much more educationally :)
That's lovely - I think I might start a piggy bank for the little one :)
I read loads of books, run as much as I can, practise relaxation to make my body a relaxed place rather than the emotional tornado it's prone to be, eat healthily etc.
Im going to try and stop being so hard on myself and blaming myself for not being able to conceive and keep thinking positive that it will happen this year. Will keep fingers crossed :)
That's lovely - I think I might start a piggy bank for the little one :)
I read loads of books, run as much as I can, practise relaxation to make my body a relaxed place rather than the emotional tornado it's prone to be, eat healthily etc.

Definetly worth starting on hunny, im going to use half of the money to buy LO something special when he or she is born then im going to put the rest in a saving acct for his or her future :) x x

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That's lovely - I think I might start a piggy bank for the little one :)
I read loads of books, run as much as I can, practise relaxation to make my body a relaxed place rather than the emotional tornado it's prone to be, eat healthily etc.

Definetly worth starting on hunny, im going to use half of the money to buy LO something special when he or she is born then im going to put the rest in a saving acct for his or her future :) x x

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That's lovely!! I'm doing that next week with my Christmas money - that's settled it! Xx
I've picked the room where baby will be and picked out the colour scheme and everything.

My sister gave me a big bag of babygros, dummies, bibs, sleepsuits etc that are all neutral colours, they're in the wardrobe in the (I don't want to say nursery really!) bedroom.

I've cut right back on takeaways and started eating more veg.

Louise - I've done the same, made sure my dogs are baby friendly lol.

Think that's about it really! :) x x
me and my other half went looking round baby shops months ago, picking out the cott, highchair etc, sad i know but was sweet he was paying an interest. Wouldnt want to buy anything now tho.Id "jinx it" i didnt even think that i belived in all that..
Have got a picture of nursery in my head, and now that we have our own house, with mortgage all paid i think we should start the piggy bank idea too. It sounds so nice m2a :) x
And... ive been looking at your display pic on here..trying to work out who u look like.. dont take offence, cause i think shes hot lol but Roxy out of eastenders :)
And... ive been looking at your display pic on here..trying to work out who u look like.. dont take offence, cause i think shes hot lol but Roxy out of eastenders :)

People have said that before but Im definately not as pretty as she is hunny, i wish x x

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o have they, you really do ! honest, in that photo you look a spitting image of her xx
i am saving very hard for our future boo boo to be! he he

just means that when little one comes along...i hope to be able to have my full 12 months off and not feel any worse off, but i would also like to return to work just 3 days a week......possibly just a pipe dream, but it's keeping me going at the moment!! xx
i would love to add to this but i'm too scared to do anything, i often wonder if deep down inside of me i think it's not going to happen so i won't let myself do anything at all in preperation!! xxx
I'm the same Positivity. The only thing I've done is kept a set amount of money in my savings account, but am tempted to spend some of it!xx
yeah i have to say the thought of even looking at baby clothes or thinking about a nursery etc scares me too much so i just put it out of my head! xx
I have got some clothes, nappies and bottles ect, i bought them after my 12 weeks scan but im not planning on buying anymore till im pregnant again with a sticky bean.
OH and me have already decided that we are going to go for a private scan around 14-16 weeks next time to make sure everything is ok so ill probally start buying again after that. So im getting my fix of baby things by knitting instead x x

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I get the pregnancy and birth magazine & mother and baby one. I like the stories that begin "it was only 9 short months before we saw the two pink lines" cos they give me perspective that it does take a while on average. Read one the other day where she was preg in 40 days. I beepbeepbeeped at that!! Not in and of itself but cos the way it was written was a little bit smug!

I love all the articles and think they'll be good to refer to when it happens. Sometimes I worry I'm jinxing it but then I ignore it.
Ive been knitting away and ive not finished yet but what do you think up to now ladies?
x x

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