Dear Santa...

MissJuly thats is so lovely, i really hope your prayers are answered soon x x

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Thanks hun, I always pray that TTC is flooded with BFPs from everyone and there's nobody left in here! x x
These are lovely, especially yours MissJ. :)

Here's mine:

Dear Santa,

It's been a pretty tough year for us one way and another. I was just hoping that perhaps you could grant us this one special wish to help us start next year on a high.

We've been trying for a baby for over a year now, and we've not any any hint that we're getting there yet. I'm fairly certain that the important stuff for actually making a child will be happening shortly before you visit, so if you could scatter a little sticky bean dust on the way past, hopefully it would help us get there.

If that's not possible, put in a good word with the stork for us and see that we're on his list by about March.

And while you're helping us out, could you help out these other deserving ladies? It would certainly help to make Christmas 2010 really special.

Thanks Santa (I'll be sure to leave out some more homemade mince pies and some snacks for the reindeer ;))

Thanks Kizzibea. Your letter's lovely too, everyone has written fab letters. :)

I hope all of us get BFPs girls, you're all so lovely and deserving of a stonking BFP. x x
Tracey - dont slip santa had me :rofl:
missj thats lovely and FX for you and all the other ladies in TTC

Dear Santa,
i have a few christmas wishes and requests this year.... and no im not being greedy i will leave you an extra mince pie :P
i am due to ovualte on your busiest night of the year, christmas eve!! as magical as this night it i am asking you to spare, and sprinkle a little of your magic dust onto me and pray my little egg gets fertilized... a baby would mean the world to me, a sibling for my son, a first baby for my OH and will bring joy to what has been well... a rather naff year!!! for all my family!!
also please make my mum better for christmas, she was rushed into hospital this morning with a real bad chest infection that may well be pneumonia and am worried she may not be home intime for christmas! more.... please give my dad a great big hug up there as i miss him more than ever at this time of year, he loved the snow too so if you want you can give us a little bit of that ( i said a little bit lol not 3 foot of it )
thankyou and have a safe journey on the 24th,
jodie xxxxxxxxx
Dear Santa,

For xmas i would please like a date. Just a date. I would like for someone to phone me up and say "please come to start IVF on..." and then i can get on with my life in the meantime.

Thanks xx

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