Tracey - dont slip santa had me
missj thats lovely and FX for you and all the other ladies in TTC
Dear Santa,
i have a few christmas wishes and requests this year.... and no im not being greedy i will leave you an extra mince pie

i am due to ovualte on your busiest night of the year, christmas eve!! as magical as this night it i am asking you to spare, and sprinkle a little of your magic dust onto me and pray my little egg gets fertilized... a baby would mean the world to me, a sibling for my son, a first baby for my OH and will bring joy to what has been well... a rather naff year!!! for all my family!!
also please make my mum better for christmas, she was rushed into hospital this morning with a real bad chest infection that may well be pneumonia and am worried she may not be home intime for christmas! more.... please give my dad a great big hug up there as i miss him more than ever at this time of year, he loved the snow too so if you want you can give us a little bit of that ( i said a little bit lol not 3 foot of it )
thankyou and have a safe journey on the 24th,
jodie xxxxxxxxx