Getting excited OR combatting the blues

I would love a baby crafts thread!

I learnt to knit a couple of weeks ago and had high hopes for making little socks and jumpers when the time came. Looking at what I have managed so far I'm now thinking that was a bit ambitious and I might have to settle for a misshappen blanket full of holes where I have dropped stiches. At least it will be mine!

A wedding dress turned into Christening gown sounds lovely. If only I had a wedding dress (I am living in sin!). Seriously though, I wish I had something that meaningful that I can turn into something for baby.
not sure how I managed to accidently post 'oh'. Think it happened when my manager just walked past my desk so I very quickly tried to click off!
Ha Ha ha! You are funny catty! 'specially the OH post. Lumpy blanket, yes, I dont even know if i'll be able to manage that! But you are right, it's the personal touch that counts for everything.

I found a fabulous piece of material today with starfish all over it and am getting much more excited by the idea of patchwork quilt (surely even I can sew squares of material together?) (but where does the 'quilt' bit come in?).

I have to say I am a bit nervous about cutting up my wedding dress, what if I f**k it al up? What if my future daughter wants to wear it? Unlikely though I'm sure. I would like to ask my mum first as it's quite likely we have a family christening gown, but she will get all over excited if i start asking questions like that!!
I think that to make it a quilt you need to sandwich a piece of quilting foam between the squares of material and a backing piece when you sew it all together. It's not that hard. I might be wrong though, my knowledge of old-lady crafts is not perfect!
Ive been thinking about taking up baby knitting but dont know where or how to start. Ive seen a pattern for a gorgeous pair of little booties.

I know my nan can knit but she will think its rather strange that i want to learn x x
Mummy2Adam - Why? I think my grandmother will be absolutely thrilled when I express an interest in learning to knit. A couple of months ago I asked her to teach me to do hanging baskets, I said i didnt want all her knowledge to be gone for ever when she goes and she needs to start teaching me stuff.

I also write biographies, meet with people, take a lot of notes, type them up, get them bound as a book. It makes a wonderful gift for an elderly person to be given from a family member, then they know that their experiences and their life etc are written down for ever, so their grandchildren and great grandchildren and all decendants know of them, it's the most wonderful thing to leave behind. I have been working on my grandmothers biography for a few months now, she lived through the second world war and her stories are facinating, a different way of life. I think our grandparents are one of our most valuble resources and nobody ever realises til it's too late.

Call her and ask! xx
We havnt told anyone we are ttc so if i ask my nan and she asks why i want to learn, i wouldnt want to lie to her. Ive just ordered a beginners kit of the internet. Once i fall pregnant and we let everyone know ill ask my nan to help me knit something abit more advanced.

Your books are a really good idea, i love finding out the history of my family.

My sister-in-law is 21 next month, so im in the middle of creating a scrapbook of pics since she was little, just a little keepsake for her x x
That sounds lovely Mummy2Adam, I wish someone would do a scrapbook or something like that for me!

Yes, wait until you are pregnant, that's a good idea. xxx
I thought of another one for the thread. I did this for my God daughter, A time box!

I put stuff in this box for her, newspapers from the day she was born, photos of her a few hours after birth, the CD of what was at number one, stuff like that.

I also bought a really good bottle of port from the year of her birth that I'm going to give her when she turns 18. I had to get an expensive one so it will keep and still be drinkable, but she might not want to drink it because it will be worth a bloody fortune by the time she turns 18, so it's maybe an investment for her instead if she would prefer. She could probably buy a decent second hand car with the sale of it if she wants.

Do the government still give you money for a savings account in the name of your child? A few years ago they started a scheme where they put £100 into an account that only the child can access when they are older and you, the parent, are supposed to add to it. Do they still do that now it's a new government?
I think the goverment have stopped that payment, i got it for Adam when he was born and u cant just put it in a savings acct, u have to buy shares with it.

I did a time capsule for Adam, we went to the lakes the march before Adam was born in the june and we went into the bertrix potter shop and we bought the capsule from there. I put in newspaper cuttings, pics, first socks, first bib ect. i also put in his christening book, when he go christened i asked every guest to wrote a little paragraph in a book that he can look back at when hes older x x
That's fabulous!! I just wrapping papered a shoe box!! They have proper capusules do they, how organised! I love the christening book idea, I'll definitely do that for my kid (if I ever manage to have one).

Thats sad about the savings account, shares? I hope they turn into something good.

I had to promise my nephew last week that when he turns 18 (he's only 12) that I will buy him a real zippo lighter. I wonder if I should start looking out for cool stuff like that that will age well....... maybe not, by the time my child reaches 18 it will probably be Back to the Future hoverboards!!
Ive started my knitting starfish :)
I went to you tube last night and within an hour i had 4 lines done. I picked it up realy quick.
Ive decided im going to make a knitted patchwork blanket(as anything more complicated than squares will just phase me at the mo). Im sure that will take my mind off my dodgy cycles and ttc, i never thought knitting could be so relaxing! Hows ur book coming along? x x

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my grandma has 'the box' ready for me when she passes away .... its a horrible thought thinking of her gone but i know all my first school books, drawings, photos and just a general record of my early life is ion that box, its such a nice thing to do.

Ive been writing a diary of all my thoughts, feelings and funny little stories from ttc and im going to carry it on through pregnancy. Im a bit of a writer at heart so will be lovely to give to my little one when they grow up and maybe even polish and send to some publishers. Ive such a bookworm and ive been readinf some lovely pregnancy memoirs from the library x
OMG Mummy2Adam, you're knitting like a pro! that's fantastic work. Really inspiring too, I'm going to go and buy some stuff on Monday and have a go next week. Daft thing is that i just spent two days with my grandmother and I could have asked her for wool and needles etc and she would have been delighted, but I completely forgot!! Too much glorious sunshine. BTW, which book? The christening book? The biography? My latest dreadful novel? Can't remember what I said?

Cherelle, I think the idea of a 'ttc diary' is just lovely. Your own daughter may one day be goign through the same thing and how wonderful if she could read what you felt at the same time. I have thought about blogging the journey myself, just for stress relief, maybe if i did i could print it out when 'it' is born and keep in the time capsule thing.

I love all these ideas girls, do keep them coming! xxxxxx
Nice ideas :)

Although i don't know why buying the baby furniture or clothes would be "tempting fate" anymore than buying it a tree.

I'm personally not buying it anything until i'm pregnant, but once that happens i'm going to go crazy!

Sure i might paint the room that would be the nursery, but no theme or pink or blue :) Just to make it nice incase a baby came along.

My main thing to do though is watching YouTube. I follow other people that are ttc and pregnant. A couple of the ladies will be popping any minute and i can't wait to see how everything turns out for them :dance:
Definately give knitting a go, it so relaxing, im addicted now! Cant wait to pick my needles up once my little man is in bed and all the housework is done!

I meant you nans biography Starfish, hows it going? x x

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I love the idea of your biography's starfish, I wish I had done that with my nanna when she was alive, she was always telling great stories!!


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