Getting excited OR combatting the blues

LOL, thanks for interest girls. It's a struggle right now, she wants me to type up letters to the Wildlife Trust for her and i'm still trying to extract info about years 1 - 10, not got enough for a decent childhood yet, but she is starting to find that bit boring, and she can be rather 'beligerent'. They get like small children when they get old, stubborn about only doing things that are fun to them. And stopping just as we are getting some stuff down and saying "it's time for the archers now" and turning on the 'wireless' at full volume..... Exhausting!

I am determined though, I did it with my Great Grandmother, it started as a GCSE project but was almost a book by the time she died when I was 18, so I got it bound and so many of my family wanted copies, there must be about 25 copies of the book out there with family members, plus extracts were read out at her funeral, so it really is worth persuing.

I so wish I had more free time. It's rubbish trying to do all this plus working all the hours i can. And I want to repaint almost every room in the house, pull up half the garden, and get arts and craftsy! How on earth will i manage being a mum as well!
It really does get harder to find free time once you have a LO, id make the most of the time you have at the mo!
Id like to have more free time but i supose its only going to get worse with wanting a second LO around, but its definately a sacrifice worth making x x

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ah starfish your posts about your nan are great. it made me want to add..

nans are great!!! xx

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