Mother in Law :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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One word.........urgh
Warning......this could be a long one lol

A bit of background to start us off, the mother in law used to be lovely, very caring and always thinking of others etc, however since we announced our engagement last june she seemed to change.
They werent interested in the wedding, on the build up she whinged about things and said it wasnt a real wedding cus we were having it in church of england church (she is catholic), she moaned about the guest list (was kept relatively small and was mainly my family as we never see or hear from his...I doubt any of his aunts etc could tell you my name) she made comments like 'you cant lose any more weight I dont want to be the only fat bitch at the wedding'! etc etc etc
Then on the day itself frankly she looked like she didnt want to be there, we thought it would be nice to get our mums to sign the register with us, and the photos of us doing it are ruined by her standing there with a face on (there are no photos of her from the day smiling!) She and FiL went straight to the hotel room when we got to the reception and had to be called 3 times to come for photos, didnt seem interested in watching us cut the cake or first dance etc.
Also they didnt offer us anything towards the wedding....I know they didnt have to and stuff but I think it just annoyed me that oh's brother gets everything paid for for him and his family and they couldnt even offer to pay for something at the wedding.

Anyway moving on from the wedding, about a month later we had a fire at our house in the kitchen, so our whole house is fire damaged, we couldnt cook and it was generally horrible, oh rang to tell her straight away, not once did she ask if we were ok or if we needed anything or invite us for dinner or anything like that.

There are lots of other things that go on with her, like little comments she makes to me and my SiL but we usually try to just ignore it and carry on

Fast forward to finidng out I was pregnant. We decided to go and tell my parents straight away :) they were so happy and excited it was brilliant, we told them its early so they cant tell anyone and bless em they have kept it to themselves (this is a big thing for my mum who normally has a gossip with her bf about this kind of thing lol)
Then we decided to go tell his parents to, so we told them, not quite the same reaction they were happy for us but there were comments like 'oh i never thought you would bother' etc which annoyed me (Just because we waited to be married and have a house of our own before trying for a baby - unlike her other son) We explained that its very early so dont tell anyone - this was made very very clear cus she doesnt listen, she said no problem she would keep it to herself.

Then I get a call from SiL to tell me that they have just had to sit MiL down and stop her telling people after she came home and said she had told everyone at work (works in the local shop) and was about to ring all the family!!!!!!!!
I honestly cant believe her, she was told over and over again not to say anything yet she did it anyway.

Oh has since been to see her (I am refusing to) and apparently she cried and said she didnt realise she wasnt supposed to say anything, but thats a load of s**t. She knew very well and I wont be taking her excuses
Besides, even if we hadnt said not to tell, its our news to tell people not hers and who in there right mind tells the world at 6 weeks!!!!!

Sorry for the long post but I am really annoyed :wall2:
Just needed to get it all out lol hope you guys dont mind
tbh i told majority of people at 6 weeks due to the fact i had to make arangments for my job, and i know off a lot of other people who have also told people at six weeks
God, she sounds like a right trouble causer!! I can't imagine having to live with a mil like that xx
I think a lot of us have MIL problems. That's very frustrating for you! God I hate the way people take it upon themselves to tell every one. It's very annoying when like you said you want to wait til a bit further along in the pregnancy etc, I totally sympathise with you honey. My MIL drives me mad. X
glad im not the only one with an annoying MiL
I think its made worse by the fact she used to be lovely, and its just over the last couple of years she has changed.

I know plenty of people tell at 6 wks, and thats fair enough, but Im sure it was there decision to do so and not forced on them by someone else

I think we have managed to avoid it getting out to more people...I dread going on facebook and seeing a 'congratulations' message lol
i agree IF you wanted to tell people esp early its up to YOU to say it!! thats the whole excitement bout telling people like :wall2: dunno wot to advise as i wud b abs furious xx
I personally wont be telling anyone early , and if I would expect my family and OH's family to respect that I would be furious , so I see where you are coming from .
But aside from you pregnancy(congratulations by the way :hugs:) , her other little comments and her behaviour at your wedding make her seem very unpleasant , and selfish . Could your OH maybe speak to her and see what her problem is ? As you say she was OK until you announced your engagement ?
We have been talking about him sitting down for a chat with her, I think we are reaching the point were it needs to happen as she is getting worse all the time

The only problem is she has the tendency to just burst out crying if you try to talk to her, and she plays on 'not realising' or ' being stupid' (this one comes up alot she goes for the sympathy saying she isnt clever etc)

However I do think something needs to happen soon, as right now if I see her I think I will scream at her, Im normally good at letting it all go over my head but Im finding it harder all the time and I think if she cries at me it would make me madder lol
I think especially now as you dont ned the stress you should , and as awful as this sounds .. let her cry . she needs to hear how you feel .

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