Hi everyone, I am new to this but would appreciate any opinions or anyone that has had a similar experience. I got pregnant in november and unfortunately miscarried on new years eve. I took a clear blue digi test on the day I miscarried and it only showed 1-2 weeks pregnant when I should have been 6 weeks so at least showing 3+ on that test. Anyway I went for a scan on the 4th and they told me that I had a complete miscarriage and that my uterus was empty and my blood test hcg had dropped down to 77. Now the other day I decided to take a test to see if it was negative and to my suprise I received a positive 2-3 weeks and the next day I got a positive 1-2 weeks. Thos seems strange as the day of miscarriage I was receiving a 1-2 reading and it is now three and a half weeks later. I've been to the doctors yday and have been reffered for an urgent scan and bloods however my hospitals idea of urgent is still a week away so now I am left in limbo and I'm worried. The doc mentioned possibility of ectopic or left over tissue that could be causing this. Sorry for the long post but if anyone has any odeas or been through something similar please get back to me. Thanks xx