Positive home tests... Neg Docs test???

That is VERY comforting to hear. Thank you!

Wish they had asked me to come back in a day and not 2 weeks! I'm not a very patient person for the most remedial of things!

I'll manage. Thank you again x
2 weeks is such a long time! I wouldn't of been able to stand it!

Can always do some more tests to put your mind at rest, I think I ended up doing about 6! Am TTC again and this time have bought some cheapie ones from amazon for £2.80, save a fortune just hope they work...
It is! I'm going to test again next Monday, then it's just a week to wait for the Dr's appointment.

Doesn't help that i don't have any work on at the moment. Keeping busy though.

I opted for the more expensive test in the hope of getting a definate result. Seems it's swung the other way for me!!
2 weeks is such a long time! I wouldn't of been able to stand it!

Can always do some more tests to put your mind at rest, I think I ended up doing about 6! Am TTC again and this time have bought some cheapie ones from amazon for £2.80, save a fortune just hope they work...

How long have you been trying this time?
ME again! All week I have been having period pains across my front and back. They come and go but mainly come. I don't want to get over excited and these pains are certainly NOT in my head. They are very real. I've also been very tired and off my food with my taste buds shot to bits.

It's just the wait.... Don't want to home test again. Too scared of the results I guess. Hoping if I wait my levels will have risen.

I had a M/C at 9 weeks in December 2011 so have been trying again since then... and have just got my BFP!! Showed up on the cheapies but bought a clearblue today just to double check. Yay!!!!

Stalking here lol just wondering how you are getting on? Have you still not tested again? If it was me there would be no way I could wait this long without testing ha ha. fingers are still crossed for you xxxx
Oh so sorry I have missed this thread!!! How are you? Hope everything is ok and that you got the result you want. So frustrating for you so have everything crossed xxx

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