pregnancy or tiredness?


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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hi guys,

me and Jase are TTC for the last time ( no more babies after the next one!) we have been trying since the start of feb but last week had to stop coz of a tear i had from Cobys birth.

we were planning to try again in april, give the tear a good chance to heal.

i didnt think there was anyway i had caught this month coz it had only been a couple of weeks, but now im not so sure.

i have bloated right out (which i did on all 3 pregnancies)
i have the munchies all the time
really bad headaches over the past few days
very moody, one min im fine, next im the bitch from hell! lol
felt a bit queezy a few days back but thats gone
and my boobs seems to be a bit fuller than normal.

im wondering wether these are possible pregnancy symptoms, or just tiredness from looking after Coby.

what you do guys think?

i cant test yet coz its way to early, i have to wait at least 2 weeks or so i think, altho i have orderd those early tests from Ebay, still not sure when i can test with them tho either!

You can use them tests from Ebay 7-10 days after conception would/could have taken place. You got 5 didn;t you? I'd do one in the morning every 3 or 4 days or so to see.

When I did mine on Friday it was still very feint. Did it again today and the line is clearer now. I might not be as far gone as I thought I was at all.

I realised after testing I've had the following signs:
Bloating (I look 16 weeks again already!)
Slight nausia
Hunger shakes
Mood Swings
My clothes feel uncomfortable round the middle
And exactly like last time - extreme tierdness.

Get testing!! :D
oo dizzyness! i forgot that one, im going dizzy all the time, its annoying
Very annoying - I went to pick Damien up when i got out of bed and nearly fell over with him :shock: not good.
ooh its looking promising layla hun get testing you never know
good luck xxxx
the tests came this morning, i did one but it was a BFN

my ticker says 10 days to go till testing so i will prob wait till then if i havent had a perois in the mean time.

My ticker is only a rough giude coz i have no idea where my cycle is

just looked at the test again, just to make sure and there is a very faint line there!

does that mean i am pregnant but only just, or is that just the evap line??

Oooo, oooo, oooo!!!! How many times have you seen the phrase used "even a faint line is a positive line"????

I think you are pregnant hun!!! :D :D :D

Try not going to the loo for the next few hours and then testing again.
i know i know i know! lol

and i tell people that all the time, but it didnt come up within 5 mins, so maybe thats just teh evap line im seeing??
You're not the only one debating lines Layla! yesterday I got a clear result - today I got negative! Whats going on! Did you do it first thing in the morning? Can you post a picture?
i tried to take a picture but the line is to faint so it doesnt show up on the camera.

i did the test with the second wee or the day lol

i will test again in a few days, see what it says then
Do it with the first wee of the day in a couple of days hun....ooooh I'm rooting for ya :)
im going away for 3 nite fri and need to know witth both sami and layla wots happening
i did another one, it was BFN left it for a while and checked it later and still only one line,

so the first test i did must be a BFP even tho the line is faint, coz if it was an evap line it would have happend again on the second test wouldt it?
yay sami
now layla i need to know for deffinant before friday as i am allready just about taking everything and cant fit the puter into the car lol
i hope u r PG layla u and sami will be due araound the same time
I am so *jealous* we should have been going throw this all together
It really could be Layla :D Try again in the morning (do you have any tests left?) just to make sure.

Looks like we might be pregnant together again!!! :D
i have 2 left, i used 2 and posted one to my sister coz she might be too!

i orderd 3 more off ebay today tho lol

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