hi guys,
me and Jase are TTC for the last time ( no more babies after the next one!) we have been trying since the start of feb but last week had to stop coz of a tear i had from Cobys birth.
we were planning to try again in april, give the tear a good chance to heal.
i didnt think there was anyway i had caught this month coz it had only been a couple of weeks, but now im not so sure.
i have bloated right out (which i did on all 3 pregnancies)
i have the munchies all the time
really bad headaches over the past few days
very moody, one min im fine, next im the bitch from hell! lol
felt a bit queezy a few days back but thats gone
and my boobs seems to be a bit fuller than normal.
im wondering wether these are possible pregnancy symptoms, or just tiredness from looking after Coby.
what you do guys think?
i cant test yet coz its way to early, i have to wait at least 2 weeks or so i think, altho i have orderd those early tests from Ebay, still not sure when i can test with them tho either!
me and Jase are TTC for the last time ( no more babies after the next one!) we have been trying since the start of feb but last week had to stop coz of a tear i had from Cobys birth.
we were planning to try again in april, give the tear a good chance to heal.
i didnt think there was anyway i had caught this month coz it had only been a couple of weeks, but now im not so sure.
i have bloated right out (which i did on all 3 pregnancies)
i have the munchies all the time
really bad headaches over the past few days
very moody, one min im fine, next im the bitch from hell! lol
felt a bit queezy a few days back but thats gone
and my boobs seems to be a bit fuller than normal.
im wondering wether these are possible pregnancy symptoms, or just tiredness from looking after Coby.
what you do guys think?
i cant test yet coz its way to early, i have to wait at least 2 weeks or so i think, altho i have orderd those early tests from Ebay, still not sure when i can test with them tho either!