Pregnancy Forum Village

I'm happy to go with Augustmum!

I started to look through all the pages last night and got to page 48 when i eyes seriously considered getting out my sockets and going to bed by itself.
very quiet today, are we all busy being supermums and cleaning our houses?
ok Augustmummy looks like prime suspect! so are all mummies happy to vote august mummy??
I've been mega busy! I got to asda and realised I'd forgot my purse, had to go home for it and go back, then I had to rush back to take the cat to the vets, then I took my nan to morrisons and I've finally got back and put my ass on the sofa for 5 minutes as I have a stinking cold too! :( x
I've been too busy cuddling to get on, took little man drs and am still on my way home hour and a half later, it's crap licit in the middle of nowhere :( hopefully will be home in the next hour dependig on traffic then I'm going to bed!
no Im not 100% either. I think the HVs are keeping quiet on purpose to freak us out!! Either that or we're getting so good at this game that we've scared them into silence! :lol:

Who reckons bearsmummy is a HV?!
no Im not 100% either. I think the HVs are keeping quiet on purpose to freak us out!! Either that or we're getting so good at this game that we've scared them into silence! :lol:

Who reckons bearsmummy is a HV?!

This thread has been well quiet today. I def think bearsmummy, I said that last night too!! I'm not ruling out Augustmum but I would be a tad more inclined to vote for bm xx
okay, well I got to go and I wont be on again today so Im voting bears mummy, sorry if iM wrong!!
I literally haven't the strength to have an opinion on anything today! Ive just got back from the drs and the appointment was at half two! AND all I got was some liquid patacetamol or somethig to bring down his temp! I'm shattered and I'm hungry and I want my bed!! I'm pretty sure I suspected bm the other day but again, haven't the strength to think or check!! Just let me know who to vote for and I'll do it :) x
Im going for a run, so I might be home by 9pm. No dedication at all :lol:

but I gotta shift some weight before holidays!

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