Pregnancy Forum Village

bearsmummy has Acused by allot of us! i'll happily Vote for her x
:lol: I did have a chuckle when you said you were happy to vote for whoever everyone else was voting for! I hadnt the heart to tell you then incase I made you a drunken emotional wreck and you'd start trying to explain the game to everyone at the party :rofl:

This tickles me everytime I read it!
Erm why has The vote changed from augustmummy to bearsmummy?

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Literally just in the door, haven't had a chance to read anything. Who we voting for? I need to go get Emily ready for bed.
Ok, i don't have a clue what is happening! So what's happening?? Babs in bed now so i can be on properly! :yay:
I'm voting augustmummy x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
OMG were falling apart! I dont know who to vote for now!
Im going with bearsmummy because I dont want to vote for myself :rofl:

I would have voted vix though :/
I've voted august mummy like the original plan :( we'll soon see x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Why is everyone chopping and changing their minds?? I voted bearsmummy because that was the "new plan" URGH, so much for teamwork.....
Im here Im here!! Hoping little man stays asleep now and doesnt distract me for at least half hour :rofl:

*patiently waits*
There shouldn't of been a new plan! But there are 6 HVs out there.. They both could be HVs x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)

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