Pregnancy Forum Village

I'm watching top gear. I love it!!

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
I'm here:wave:

Its neck and neck well apart from someone has voted for me :(

Stacy just read previous post *hugs*

x x x x
So there was no majority tonight :) A split vote so both will be revealed :yay:

Tiggerbounce77 is a:


Munchkin1972 is a:

Health visitor :yay:

Due to this no mummy will be taken into care :love:
Hi girls it's almost time!!! I'm watching topgear too but purely through choice, Lee hates it I love anything to do with cars!!!
If he's into quality time tiny tell him to watch it with you :)

Totally OT but can't be bothered starting a new thread for somethig so tiny... We can't get the lights to work and I just said to Lee "it's ok dad will do them tomorrow" I now can't stop crying, how could I forget something like that?

Hope your ok sweetie x x
Who voted pinky mummy??

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
:yay: I know we lost a mummy but we still managed to find a HV!

:hugs: Tiggerbounce
yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :yay:

the HVs are being very sneaky tonight though!!
Agh! Why was tigerbounce voted for???? Well, obviously all the HVs but at least we got ONE!!!!!! good choice mayor!!!! :-)
Omg sorry girls........ this game is getting interesting! Go Mummies :)

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