Pregnancy Forum Village

Good girl! I'm having an early night and a bit o a feast while I watch Marley and me :) tissues at the ready!
Never watched. Don't think I can handle the sadness :( x

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It's awesome I love it lots, have missed first half hour though so will have to bloody watch on plus one now!
Im hoooooome! :wave: phew, what a weekend!! Im exhausted and feeling poorly :violin:

Ive never watched marley and me, its films like that make me wish my OH went out more often so I could have a night on the sofa watching a good film and PFing with a bottle of vino :love:
lol tiny... do you share a pc/laptop at home??? my otherhalf is addicted to Kindoms of Camelot game on Facebook. I hardly hear from him most days because he's either on there or asleep :rofl:
Hey girlies :) I love PF.. Its my sanctuary x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
lol tiny... do you share a pc/laptop at home??? my otherhalf is addicted to Kindoms of Camelot game on Facebook. I hardly hear from him most days because he's either on there or asleep :rofl:

we got a laptop each but hes into quality time, shouldnt complain really!! Im only on now cos Im cleaning the kitchen and cooking dinner and topgears on so hes distracted :dance:
Im trying to persade my parents to take us all back to Ibiza :) wish me luck
:rofl: i have top gear on too :-( and OH has gone to sleep :rofl: can't be bothered to move to change channel lol xx
Well Mum says probs december (teneriffe) or next year Ibiza ... that wasn't hard xx
Hi girls it's almost time!!! I'm watching topgear too but purely through choice, Lee hates it I love anything to do with cars!!!
If he's into quality time tiny tell him to watch it with you :)

Totally OT but can't be bothered starting a new thread for somethig so tiny... We can't get the lights to work and I just said to Lee "it's ok dad will do them tomorrow" I now can't stop crying, how could I forget something like that?
Right girls, I'm here! Still suffering from my hangover :-(

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