Pregnancy Forum Village

Wait wait if this is for tomorrow...why has someone gone already?

Because piglet is who the HVs have chosen and this poll is to try and suss out who the HVs are.

I think!
piglet was the mummy the HVs put into care.

Us mummies are voting to get one of the HVs sacked :yay:
I get it I get it! Ok, so the hvs decided on a person, and they were taken away. If we guess who a hv is then piglet comes back? Then the same happens again. But if we guess the hvs wrong 3 days in a row, 2 mummys are out. Correct?

You lost me lol
Ok the only thing I understood out of all of that was that tiny loves me :) *high five breadbin*

Seriously though, who voted for me?!
I hope I voted for the right person :-(
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Piglet!!!! Damn you HV's taking one of our Mummies away :cry: xx
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*high fives chazabelle too*

When do we have to get our votes in by?
I get it I get it! Ok, so the hvs decided on a person, and they were taken away. If we guess who a hv is then piglet comes back? Then the same happens again. But if we guess the hvs wrong 3 days in a row, 2 mummys are out. Correct?

so if we find a HV we get piglet back?! :dance:
I thought it was only the mayor who could send one back?
Hear ye hear ye!!! I the town mayor would like to say hello to all the lovely mummies and all the evil HVs x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)
Hmmm no one else has voted for who I think it is... Beginning to think I might be wrong!
Hear ye hear ye!!! I the town mayor would like to say hello to all the lovely mummies and all the evil HVs x

Sent from my bad ass iPhone ;)

YAY! finally, someone we can trust for sure!!! :dance:

:friends: Im sucking up just incase, guys, join in the hugs!
So long as everyone has voted by 8.55pm tomorrow thats fine :)

No Piglet10 won't be back :(

Earlier today the hv's had to decide which mummy to take into care. The poll is to decide who is a hv? If the mummies guess right they are all safe but if the majority in the poll vote a mummy that mummy will be revealed but not necessarily taken into care :) Hv's could choose someone else xx

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