Pregnancy after Pre- eclampsia

So glad I have found this thread ..... I really need to talk to other pre eclampsia mummies.

I had seveare pre eclampsia in my first pregnancy, developed into eclampsia and HELLP syndrome. Was very poorly for weeks at the end of my pregnancy, but I had no idea I had this condition as nobody told me until after ! I was told I was being induced because of high blood pressure and that was it. I ended up having a fit when I got to 8cm dilated, baby's heart almost stopped so he was delivered sharp ish with forceps. After oxygen and care he was fine after an hour, I was in intensive care for 3 days but made a good recovery.

I am now 32 weeks pregnant with number 2 and scared out of my mind, touch wood everything seems ok so far but I keep breaking down in tears thinking about how the birth is gonna go ... All I keep sayin to hubby is "I don't want to die"
Pre-eclampsia and HELLP are extremely scary and it's perfectly natural to feel scared about having another baby. I certainly do.

I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm being monitored really closely this time and they know my history - I'm presuming it's the same for you? It's different when they know you've had pre-eclampsia/HELLP before because they're more ready and you're also more ready to look out for the early signs of it. During my first pregnancy I started to get swollen ankles and feet - thought it was normal pregnancy symptoms. I had a blinding migraine - thought it was just because I couldn't take anything stronger than paracetamol and that's what my migraines would be like if I didn't take my meds. I had flashing silvery lights in front of my eyes and just thought migraine aura, even though I've never had aura with migraine.

This time round it's different and I'm not thinking of anything as "this is just a normal pregnancy symptom".

I'm sure the end of your pregnancy will be just as uneventful as the rest of it has been so far xx
Pre-eclampsia and HELLP are extremely scary and it's perfectly natural to feel scared about having another baby. I certainly do.

I'm trying to focus on the fact that I'm being monitored really closely this time and they know my history - I'm presuming it's the same for you? It's different when they know you've had pre-eclampsia/HELLP before because they're more ready and you're also more ready to look out for the early signs of it. During my first pregnancy I started to get swollen ankles and feet - thought it was normal pregnancy symptoms. I had a blinding migraine - thought it was just because I couldn't take anything stronger than paracetamol and that's what my migraines would be like if I didn't take my meds. I had flashing silvery lights in front of my eyes and just thought migraine aura, even though I've never had aura with migraine.

This time round it's different and I'm not thinking of anything as "this is just a normal pregnancy symptom".

I'm sure the end of your pregnancy will be just as uneventful as the rest of it has been so far xx

I had a growth scan today aswell as bp and urine check, the usual and the midwife said everything is looking good so far. Hoping this baby has plans for an easy time. A simple birth is just what I need, the sooner I get home to my little boy with his new baby brother the better.

She did say baby I wasn't going to be very big though (sigh of relief) although its not the pain I'm worried about during labour and birth it's having another fit :( something that nobody can control, I think that's what the scariest part about it is, nobody can predict it or prevent it.

Feel like turning all religious and preying every night :)

Did you have a bad time before also ?
Can they not predict a fit that is caused by pre-eclampsia? Surely they'll monitor your bp during labour to check this?

I had a pretty bad time before, although I never had a fit or HELLP. I had severe pre-eclampsia, which they tried to control with medication but it didn't work. BP just got higher and higher. They tried inducing but my baby's heartbeat kept slowing every time I had a contraction. I don't remember being told if I was dilated at all. I had to be rushed in for an emergency c-section to prevent me getting eclampsia and my baby getting any more distressed. It was all very frightening, mainly because I'd gone to hospital with what I thought was a migraine and expected to come home with some codeine. I was 34 weeks though, so baby was fine, very tiny for 34 weeks but fine. It took around 6 months for my bp to return to normal.

The whole thing almost put me off having another baby. In fact I think if I hadn't got pregnant this year I probably wouldn't have put myself through it again. I'm finding the consultant care and constant checks, bp and grow scans very reassuring.
Every pregnancy ends with Mom needing additional help. Add a pregnancy complication and you may wish for a small army at your disposal.
I'm so glad I came across this thread! Needing some advice and reassurance I think as I feel very let down by the people Whose care I am under! I was diagnosed with pre eclampsia at 35+5 managed to get to 37 wks and was induced thankfully I had a very healthy baby boy weighing 8lb 1oz. In my second pregnancy, after being discharged from consultants care at 15 weeks, I was put on baby dose aspirin and bp began climbing at 29 weeks. I was then diagnosed with pre eclampsia for a second time at 33 week's after a 4 week stay in hospital I was again induced at 37 week's. Little boy weighed 6lb 5oz and needed oxygen and monitoring as I had a placental abruption during Labour. I am now 29+4 wks pregnant with my 3rd son and have again been discharged From consultants care, have been taking aspirin since 11 week's and yet again bp is beginning to climb at each antenatal check with my community mw but I have been told just to take it easy and not worry! How can I not worry after having the same thing happen twice surely this is history repeating itself?! Or am I just being paranoid?! Any advice you ladies can give me would be great! Xx
I would say that if you feel history is repeating itself then put your foot down and demand all the relative tests ASAP. I ignored that nagging little voice in the back of my mind and I did have pre eclampsia again and unfortunately the outcome for my baby wasn't good.
Always trust your instincts and don't let them palm you off x

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I'd like to second that. I had pre-eclampsia first time round. This time I actually got a bp machine to check my bp at home!!! I really wanted to keep an eye on everything. If I were you, I'd just keep pestering them - you know yourself best. It surprises me that they have discharged you from consultant care. I had an appointment booked at 34 weeks this time round with my consultant, whether or not my bp had risen/pre-eclampsia had developed. Unfortunately, whilst I don't have pre-eclampsia, I have developed gestational diabetes, so I'm now under a different consultant.

So yes, keep on at your midwife to refer you back to the consultant. You may need to make a real fuss (which is ridiculous, they should be looking after you), but it'll be worth it, even if the worst you have this time round is slightly elevated bp. Take care of yourself xx
Preeclampsia is a serious illness, which effects 3-8% of all expectant mothers. It causes blood vessels to constrict, which sends blood pressure soaring. I've learned it during my treatment @ Placiday.

Unfortunately I think all of the ladies on this thread are already aware of why pre - eclampsia is, as most have suffered from it in at least one of their pregnancies xx

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Preeclampsia is a serious illness, which effects 3-8% of all expectant mothers. It causes blood vessels to constrict, which sends blood pressure soaring. I've learned it during my treatment @ Placiday.

That's nice. I hope you never have to actually experience it.
Avoiding dehydration would be a wise choice, and the obvious thing to do is make sure you are getting plenty of fluids throughout the day, especially water.

Is there a point to your posts? My daughter was taken from me at 36 due to pre eclampsia and I doubt drinking more water would have changed that!

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Is there a point to your posts?

I'm thinking not. It's just making me angry, I was trying to ignore her. Pre-eclampsia and HELLP can be devastating, as all of us on this thread are well aware. As far as I know there is no way of preventing pre-eclampsia.

Simone - I'm so sorry for your loss xx
Is there a point to your posts?

I'm thinking not. It's just making me angry, I was trying to ignore her. Pre-eclampsia and HELLP can be devastating, as all of us on this thread are well aware. As far as I know there is no way of preventing pre-eclampsia.

Simone - I'm so sorry for your loss xx

There is no way of preventing it or I would have done it! I've had it twice now, sudden and severe onset. It makes me angry too when people talk nonsense about it xx

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Hi ladies
Fab post. Basically I had pre eclampsia at 30 weeks when I was preg with my twins non identical kept in till 34 weeks then had section girl was 3lb 10 my boy was 4lb 12 not bad for twins! They was in Sc bu but came home after 2 weeks.
Then I fell with my youngest son was fine up until 36+6 then to midwife 3plus protein and high bp straight to hospital admitted migraine type headache came on, I was delivered by 4pm following day healthy 6lb 4oz baby boy.
He is 6 in jan. never wanted anymore however myself and my husband have decided we want one more luckily I am only 32 nearly so would rather be in next 6 months to fall than later.
However I am scared abut getting pih again. It freaked me out worrying a lot last time even though my cons was amazing.
I have been reading - in previous preg I was over weight and high BMI I am currently at an ok weight and have been healthily eating with slimmimg world and not so much a diet but lifestyle change. I also quit smoking few months ago (I did not smoke in pregnancies) and also don't drink much now. I had my gallbladder out a year ago and feel good that that's done!! However in my 3rd pregnancy is it more common ??? Also what the aspirin ladies?? I didn't get offered that last Time? Also in 6 years has the care improved? Xxx
hi dnt no if im doing dis right, just found out im pregnant for the 3rd time, on my second pregnancy I had severe pre eclampsia my son was delivered by emergency section at 33 weeks weighin 3lbs 2oz both of us were very ill n rushed to icu just want to no if any1 had any similar exp.. my first pregnancy was fine n my lil girl was born at 37 weeks same dad 4 all 3 kids?? am very worried dis time
Hi ladies
Fab post. Basically I had pre eclampsia at 30 weeks when I was preg with my twins non identical kept in till 34 weeks then had section girl was 3lb 10 my boy was 4lb 12 not bad for twins! They was in Sc bu but came home after 2 weeks.
Then I fell with my youngest son was fine up until 36+6 then to midwife 3plus protein and high bp straight to hospital admitted migraine type headache came on, I was delivered by 4pm following day healthy 6lb 4oz baby boy.
He is 6 in jan. never wanted anymore however myself and my husband have decided we want one more luckily I am only 32 nearly so would rather be in next 6 months to fall than later.
However I am scared abut getting pih again. It freaked me out worrying a lot last time even though my cons was amazing.
I have been reading - in previous preg I was over weight and high BMI I am currently at an ok weight and have been healthily eating with slimmimg world and not so much a diet but lifestyle change. I also quit smoking few months ago (I did not smoke in pregnancies) and also don't drink much now. I had my gallbladder out a year ago and feel good that that's done!! However in my 3rd pregnancy is it more common ??? Also what the aspirin ladies?? I didn't get offered that last Time? Also in 6 years has the care improved? Xxx

I had pre-eclampsia with my first and have now got mild PIH with my second (though luckily not pre-eclampsia). I'm not sure that they know what causes pre-eclampsia/PIH. For both pregnancies I've been a non-smoker (never smoked), have a BMI of 21, eat healthily and don't drink much (nothing during pregnancy).

To be honest, if I were you I'd be talking to my GP, getting a referral to a consultant who can help and keep a close eye on your pregnancy. My midwife was excellent (checked bp weekly from 30 weeks) and I had regular growth scans to check on baby. I think if you develop either condition during pregnancy then they are likely to pick it up very quickly. I've found developing it afterwards that it wasn't so easy to be diagnosed and treated. I had to fight to get prescribed nifedipine (which is the only bp drug that works for me).

I hope your next pregnancy goes well and you don't get pre-eclampsia/PIH :)

gracie198 - they'll monitor you really closely this time and do extra checks. You basically get all the care a first time mum gets, plus extra appointments to see a consultant and have bp checks/scans to check everything's ok.

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