Pregnancy after Pre- eclampsia

Thanx hun. Its so scary with high bp. Iv booked an app with doc on monday about my weight and am goin to ask him to help me!
hi hun i still have it on there taking it off today at midday
its been one hell of a night, a 7 month old awake every hour because of this bleeping and inflation of the cuff was driving everyone crazy!!

my bp has been up and down (( you can check on the monitor whenit goes off)) so im thinking there going to give me a different bp tablet, one i have to stay on forever.... forevers a long time when your 23!!!!!!

i wont know for sure today iv got an app with the doctor on monday at 4.20 so we shall see them, im going to tell him about my weight and everything though.

im glad i was lucky and got one of each though because it looks like there the only ones im going to have.
i didnt want anymore really but when the choice is taken from you it hurts.... whos to say in 10 years (( ill still only be 33)) i wont want another one, both of mine will be grown up...16 and 10... ooo scary thought lol.

What will be will be.... ill update when had gp app :)
Oh good luck!! Yes they are bloody noisy machines!!
Your still sooo young (Im 25 btw) even women that get told they definately cannot have children can still go onto having more! So think positive!! And u r soooo blessed 2 have 2 already so stay thankfull for them :)
Once u get ur weight down ya never know u might be able 2 come off Meds! I honestly think it was my weight that raised my BP b4 xxxx
I had pre-eclampsia with my first. My midwife noticed I looked puffy in my face and checked my urine and bp and packed me straight off to hospital. I had to have several check-ups at the antenatal clinic and was eventually taken into hospital at 38 weeks after several weeks of monitoring and induced at 39 weeks. My protein levels and BP got worse over the week so they induced. The funny thing was they told me it would take ages for the pessary to work and didn't believe I was in labour about an hour later. I'd actually collapsed in agony on the bathroom floor and OH pulled the emergency cord. The MW was like ' oh this is what its like, I get you some pain relief and see how you go'. She looked tp see how I was progressing and, well, she'd give usain bolt a run for his money as she ran to get a wheelchair to take me to labour ward! Lol No one told me (or her, apparently!) That inductions due to pre-eclampsia can happen super fast! Dd was in distress during the birth (I think due to the speed of everything rather than the PE) and I had a Dr in with me - can't remember who they were! Afterwards I was on meds for a couple of weeks. I was told it was very possible it would happen with later pregnancies, which seems to go against what everyone else has been told?! I had scares throughout my 2nd pregnancy which seemed to amount to nothing but during the labour my BP kept spiking more than they were comfortable with, so was kept in for 12 hours - it would have been longer but they didn't have a bed for me!! I felt bad about taking up a room on labour ward - I wouldn't want to be in labour and told 'sorry love, no room cos its been taken up by someone who's already given birth!' Lol - so I begged to go home on the promise I returned pronto if my BP went too high/flashing lights/felt ill. Babies 3 and 4 arrived after uneventful pregnancies. Hoping no.5 follows suit! As a side note: I mentioned to my pg 2 MW that it was my first MW that noticed the PE symptoms and she said, and I quote, 'well I won't get to see you often enough to notice things like that'! Wtf! Funnily enough, I never got to see her that much, someone else was always covering her clinics but I was happy with that! She was crap at doing the heel prick test on baby 2 as well - I nearly told her to leave she had to cut dd2's feet that much. She was meant to be my MW for no 3 but I refused and made a complaint about her. But I think that would be a whole new discussion!
Oh dear!!! Some midwifes can be really pants!! I think to be a midwife u should have had 2 go thru having kids of ur own so they know how us mums feel!! So u didnt have PE with the other babies then? xxx
No not a peep of it :) only problem with no.4 was too much fluid so completely unrelated. My non-pregnant BP is pretty low (normal but on the low end of the range) so it doesn't have to go too high to be classes as high for me. If I remember rightly its 20 points above your normal level - I'm sure there's plenty of women on here that can correct me! I know my BP is getting high-ish as I keep getting headaches with flashing lights (only happens in pregnancy) but if no.3 and 4 are anything to go by its nothing to worry about as it isn't accompanied by protein in my wee etc. Its weird what you fret about with one and just go 'meh!' with another!
even if there is no reason find how it happens & how to prevent it. preeclampsia can be treated just by taking care from the beginning of your pregnancy. i had also first & worrying about second. but i believe this will not harm me like first because i will closely monitored by specialist to reduce its effect and this forum also helping & giving strength to moms like me to caring in this stage. thanks for starting this thread.
even if there is no reason find how it happens & how to prevent it. preeclampsia can be treated just by taking care from the beginning of your pregnancy. i had also first & worrying about second. but i believe this will not harm me like first because i will closely monitored by specialist to reduce its effect and this forum also helping & giving strength to moms like me to caring in this stage. thanks for starting this thread.

Unfortunately you cannot prevent pre-eclampsia and the basics of it are, if you're gonna get - you're gonna get it. The positives are they can stabilize it with careful attention and treatment :)

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
I was hoping there would be a thread on here about this, i have just had my first baby on the 23/11/12 and went in at 39+3 as my waters had broken, there they said my bp was high so kept me in to be induced the next day any way.! After birth my BP shot up and i was diagnosed with sever pre eclampsia. I was in hospital for a week and eventually sent home 2 days ago!! The midwife said next time im pregnant it will be a high risk pregnancy.! I have heard that if its with the same partner there is less chance?? is that correct?! I wont be having another baby for quite a while yet but its something that il be scared about when i decide to have another!!
Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Unfortunately the 'same dad less risk' advice seems to be outdated. Our midwife said its becoming increasing more common and I myself experinced it in my 1st and 3rd pregnancies but not at all in my 2nd and they all have the same daddy xx

Tapatalking excuse any typos!
Mummy of two, Angel mummy of one and WTT baby number 4 <3
No the advice you were given about the same dad is wrong. If it is the same dad there is a HIGHER risk.

I had it with my second not my first which is very unusual and all my children have the same father. Anyway with me it also was not picked up until my hind water leaked at 37+1. My BP was fine and no protein in my urine when I went in. They did a blood test for strep B because I had not done the swab yet and found by complete accident that I was in the final stages of pre-eclampsia. They rushed me off to the best specialist maturnity hospital after that.

I have asked many docs both GPs and OBs and I have done a lot of reading. One GP personally had it with her first 3 and then no sign of it with her 4th. My usual GP Said I will have blood tests instead of urine tests for it this time just to make sure because it was so bad last time. But I'm now 28 weeks and my rings still fly off if I get too excited with my hand movements So I'm not too worried. They have action plans in place and if you have had it once you will be monitored closely for it because you are higher risk so the chances of it getting out of hand and doing damage is lower.

I did read an article done in 2010 where a study found a link between stress during pregnancy and pre-ecampsia. Which made sense for me as my son was in hospital with a mystery infection for 14 days and docs could not tell me if he was going to make it when I was about 16 weeks pregnant with my second. The article said something about when you are stressed you release a hormone fine in small short doses but when it is extended for long periods it can do damage. It could be one of the reasons Pre-eclampsia is on the rise with our fast paced lives and also the fact that they can test for it better these days. In the end they STILL have no idea what causes it.

In the end I'm not worried about it. If I have it I have it there is nothing I can do. My daughter is fine and there was no ill affects so I'm sure it will be better this time because if I do have it they will find it before hand and I get really good care and maybe even hold my baby before it's due date. :)
I've had PE with 3 out of 4 of my pregnancies and they all have the same dad.

So far my BP has been really good with this pregnancy and I hope that it continues.
Hi! Just found this forum and the thread. I am only 4 weeks pregnant with my second, but had pre-eclampsia with my first (she was delivered by emergency c-section at 36+2, weighing 3lb 11oz). I'd always had migraines, so didn't think much about an awful one I had when I was around 30 weeks. Midwife didn't pick up anything in a routine appointment. I then had another dreadful migraine, but decided to phone triage - luckily they suggested to come in (still thought it was just migraine!) and diagnosed pre-eclampsia. My daughter still measured 32 weeks and they decided to induce, but that caused her too much distress (it's horrid hearing your baby's heart rate slow down). I ended up having an emergency c-section because of that and the fact they couldn't get my bp under control. Even after delivery my bp was still not brought under control for a number of days and I was on bp meds for 6 months. My daughter, although teeny, was perfectly healthy and discharged from SCBU when she was 3 weeks old. She's now a healthy, happy 13 month old!

Still, I'm pretty scared about this second one even though the outcome of the first pregnancy was fine in the end. Apparently I get referred to a consultant. To be honest, I'll just be glad when it's all over and I hopefully have another healthy little baby to show for it!
Hi ladies just looking for advice ive had a + of protein in my urine for ahout 10 weeks now, swelling in my legs and ankles for the past month, havent had any headaches, but feeling nauseated and vomited today, after I vomited I had visual disturbances for about 30nsecons, like seeing floating stars, im feeling generally unwell now, just no energy,and light headed, my lower back has been quite sore the last few days too and between my shoulders, do you think its something I should be concerned about, im so worried about getting pre eclampsia and maybe not noticing the symptoms
Hi ladies just looking for advice ive had a + of protein in my urine for ahout 10 weeks now, swelling in my legs and ankles for the past month, havent had any headaches, but feeling nauseated and vomited today, after I vomited I had visual disturbances for about 30nsecons, like seeing floating stars, im feeling generally unwell now, just no energy,and light headed, my lower back has been quite sore the last few days too and between my shoulders, do you think its something I should be concerned about, im so worried about getting pre eclampsia and maybe not noticing the symptoms

Get ur self seen at triage ASAP! No messing! Xx
Absolutely get checked out mummywannabe! I have high BP and have been pg before. Those are the symptoms you need to have checked!
My friend is a midwife she came round last night, checked my bp which was actually low, I had been out for lunch with 2 friends yesterday and both had also been sick think we might have ate something dodgy, as for the swelling I rested and put my feet up and its pretty much gone, she felt happy enough it was just a combination of things rather than a pre eclampsia scare but just said to watch out in the meantime especially if I get headaches. I ate something last night and drank plenty and feel much better but I did have a bit of a panic as I felt so lousy, thank goodness for midwife chums lol
Glad you're ok! Always worth getting yourself checked out. I just thought I was getting migraines :roll:, even though I never got an aura with my pre-pregnancy migraines and was getting it during pregnancy and my feet/ankles were swelling.

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