

New Member
May 10, 2005
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Hello my Name is Sharon I have just found out I am pregnant for the second time and very happy, but also very nervous. My first son was born at 30 weeks I have pre-eclampsia, he arrested 6 times and remained in hospital for almost one year before being sent home on Oxygen and tube feeding. The problems remained until my son was approximately 3 years old. He is now 11 and wonderful, very fit and healthy, he fights to put weight on and is still very small but wnderful. I can't feel happy as I keep thinking about what could go wrong. Anybody out there had pre-eclampsia then had a second child and all ok. Would love to hear from you. :D
Hi Sharon,

I have been TTC since January, still trying! Anyway, with all the talk of babies, my mum told me that she and her 3 sisters all suffered from pre-eclampsia with their first child, 1 sister in particular had a particularly bad time with her first. I think it was really touch and go and I know there was an operation involved on the baby. To be honest I don't know enough about it to say any more, anyway on the bright side, she went on to have 3 more children without any problems.

Likewise, all of my aunties have 2+ children and I am one of 3. I know I haven't been directly affected by this (as yet! although it is one of my major concerns if I ever fall pg!) but I hope this helps.

Good luck xxx
I am glad your son is now well it must have been terrrible when he was in hospital so long. I had pre-eclampsia in my first preg too and my daughter was delivered at 36 weeks I was very lucky though she was 6ld 2oz and healthy.

I am now 28 weeks preg with #2 and i must admit it is one of my concerns. I have posted about it on other website's and had some reassuring replys of mums who have had completely normal second/third pregnancy's. The other re-assurance is that the m/w's and doctors keep a closer eye on you.

Hope all goes well and I will hopefully be able to tell you i didn't develope it this time - in a coupple of months. Fingers crossed for you and try and take it easy - stress won't help your blood pressure. Easier said than done i know.

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