Prams in the house - bad luck???!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Ok ladies, probably a silly question but wondered what everyone's thoughts were on buying the pram and brining into the house before baby arrives? I am ordering mines this week and not sure whether to get it delivered here or get it delivered to a family member's house? I know it's a superstition but I am not sure what to do :think: !!! I have bought baby things and am decorating the nursery and cot etc but it's just the whole pram thing! What did you all do/what are you doing?
mines in the attic but i cant wait to get in down, im gonna leave it another couple of weeks but then its comeing down to be played with :cheer:
my luck is pretty shit anyway so doubt it will make a difference and i had one in the house with all my others.
I have mine in the house! I did with the others and Im not really superstitious anyways!
:wave: my pram is in my friend's house. I am superstitious and it's something that my mum, sister, cousins have done so I followed the tradition.
i had no idea about this superstision, but my pram has been at my nans. we bought it way too early & didn't have the space here!
mines round my parents house,, i have absolutely everything else here though!

Claire x
We wanted to follow the superstition and order a pram to be delivered to the in-laws and stored there until Horatio's arrival. However, then we saw the pram of our dreams (Bugaboo Gecko) on a buy-now-or-it's-gone-display-model-discount basis and just had to get it, so it's been in our front room for the past 11 weeks and the bloke still wonders where he could borrow a baby in order to test-drive it properly
People kept letting me know not to have the pram in the house, but between me and OH we couldn't wait to get it out the box and set up! It was exciting and made things real for us. I was due 9 weeks after i got it home.
We've had the pram here since my mum saw it in the sale (and we really liked it!) so bought it when I was about 16 weeks gone! Neil pushes it around on the landing when he thinks no-one is looking! :rotfl:

I'd be no good if I was superstitious, 3 members of my family (including me) were born on the 13th. My brother was due and born on Friday 13th (at 6 minutes past 6!) and I've managed to break enough mirrors to keep me going for the rest of my life I think! :roll:
Mines at my parents house :oops:
I was fine till other people kept blathering on about it :roll:
Mine is at the MIL's - was too worried about the superstition to keep it at ours :oops: - but we do have the car seat just in case...............
After hubby moaned at me and told me to stop being silly, got the pram delivered to the house yesterday. We inspected it to make sure all bits there and have put it back in its box for now. Thanks ladies for all your comments XX
lea m said:
I have mine in the house! I did with the others and Im not really superstitious anyways!

Same here - I'm not sure if it's different when it isn't your first baby but I see no point in sending the pram away just to get it back again.

Actually mine is in the boot of my car to save space lol!
We've been storing ours in the cellar below the flat as we haven't got much room in the flat anyway. Will be stroing it outside in the communal hallway when baby's born so it's easily accessible.
my hubby is supersticious so ours is at his parents house. its a travel system so we have the car seat in the house ready for little ones arrival. think at about 38 weeks i will get the pushchair and keep it in the boot of my car for the remainder of the time.
I bought ours on Fri and its in the Utility Room still in the box, wont be putting it together yet, otherwise the cats will think we have bought them a new bed and no doubt curl up in it.......

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