Prams at home before having baby?


Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2006
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Just a quick question. We decided in the end to order the pram, car seat and all the other pram bits and its arriving tomorrow and i just wondered how many of you won't have the pram in your house before baby is born. A couple of my friends have said i shouldn't be having it delivered to mine and should keep the pram bit somewhere else. As a rule i'm not superstitious but they have got me thinking and i've thought about keeping it at my dads maybe. Is it a rule just for first babies? because how does it work when people have there second and keep the same pram (this is our first baby). Anyway i'm sure you know what i'm going on about and i just wondered what your views where.


Grace xx
If we listened to everyone else we would never be bloody ready for this little one!!!
I have had the pram and all the shebang at home since we bought it back in october (great sale at babys r us lol)
I wouldnt know where else to have it my OHs parents smoke in their house so thats a no no and my family is miles away from where we live so not practical! saying that you do whatever feels right for you guys! I personaly dont believe in the old wives tales i think what will be will be!
Im sure whatever you decide will be the right thing BTW what pram did you get?? LOL nosey! :lol:
sounds like a load of nonsense to me, i've had my buggy in the house for a couple months now.

Thanks for the reply, we've ordered the quinny buzz in black.

Not sure if its just being pregnant but sometimes i don't seem to be able to make a simple decision and this has really got me stressed. I am the kind of person who will open umbrellas inside and such like but for some reason this has got me worried. I guess its just because its taken us so long to get this far. But my sensible head says what difference will haveing the pram at home make. Whats the difference between a pram and a cot for instance? Not that we've got the cot yet either. Anyway i'm waffling now.


Grace xx
ive had my pram in the house since i was 7 weeks pregnant! i saw it,loved it and bought it as i had the money and didn't want to miss out on it,i don't think its bad luck,in my opinion if something bad is going to happen it will do regardless of whether you have a pram in the house or not............ :hug:
We got our pram when I was about 20 weeks, but then it was a manager's special display model for 20%which had to be bought there and then and otherwise we would have never been able to afford the pram of our dreams (Bugaboo Gecko).
we have ordered our and it will be delivered to our house much to the despair of my nan who thinks its terrible bad luck
I have always been a little wont walk under ladders, put an umbrella up in the house - that sort of thing. BUT where my pregnancy is concerned I wont even slightly entertain any sort of superstition, and hence have had my pushchair, child seat etc in the house for the last month since I bought them!!
I bought my travel system when I was about 15 weeks. It was in sale and I loved it. Couldn't stand the thought of having it home so took it to my friend's house.. only got it back last week as wanted my DH to try fitting the car seat..
The more people told me I shouldn't have my pram in the house before the baby was born, the more I wanted it here!

Don't listen to anyones crazy superstision. Nothing bad will happen if you have the pram at home, do what you want and tell people to shut it!!
Our pushchair has been at the in laws since we bought it hubby wont let me collect it until bubs is safely into the world :?
We ordered ours but asked for it to stay at the shop till I was 36 weeks PG. Just didn't have the room for it tbh. Better there than cluttering up my house before LO arrived. Nothing to do with superstition.
everyone is different and has different views but i didnt have mine in the house with both my boys and prob wont with this one, not coz i think it could jinx anything but jus coz i hadnt had it in the house with the others, u do what u think feel right :hug:
We've had it in the house since I was about 15 weeks (and I've caught OH pushing it aound a few times upstairs!! :rotfl: )

I don't think I'd manage to be superstitious - three of us including me born on the 13th (my brother actually due and born on Friday 13th), my nan lives at number 13 and with the number of cats living round here I always have a black one crossing my path etc etc. :talkhand:
Personally, we were a bit funny about it so we keep it at DH's mums house although the car seat is at ours...
we have everything else in the house....but the pram is in the neighbours garage! :lol: its MIL's superstition, I had never heard of it before, neither had my mum!
To be honest, if it was in our house, I would just be playing with it all the time!! :oops:
Och, I'm not in the least superstitious. Just yesterday I walked under a ladder.

Our travel system arrived last month. I'm sorely tempted to take it out for a spin to be honest, but I think the villagers might think I'm a bit crazy if I start pushing an empty pram aboot.

Perhaps under cover of darkness :wink:
Thank you everyone.

Well at the moment the travel system is sat in boxes downstairs stuart wants me to wait till he gets home to open anything :roll: .

I think it'll stay here but we will prob just not mention it to our friends who are bothered. I asked my dad what they did when they were having me and being a typical man couldn't remember but he thought they had it at home just not this early. I thought its not that early i'm now 31 weeks. Anyway thanks for trying to keep me sane. I do have another issue but I think that one needs to be in a new topic.

Grace xx

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