

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Evening ladies and bumps

Now I had heard of the superstition that you shouldn't have the pram in the house before baby is born and as I am very superstitious our pram is at my mums. I have just been told that you also shouldn't have the cot in the house - is this the case??

If you shouldn't have the cot in the house before baby is born is it ok for me to have the crib in the house as I was hoping to order it this week and start getting organised, I will only be 32 weeks so don't want to tempt fate.

Thanks ladies
I thought it was the cot/crib that you shouldn't have in the house as opposed to the pushchair. I'm not superstitious at all though so have all of them here :D
A guy at work was storing his grandsons pram as he didn't want it in his sons house.

Not heard of the cot thing though :think: But Im not really superstitious and have everything in the flat else we'll be in a panic getting all the stuff back to the flat when baby gets here.
Its the pram, we have ours at my mums because i have always been told it is bad luck to have it in the house before the baby is born.
I'm not supersticious in the slightest so I have everything at my house.

Some very rude twat at a BBQ I was at when I was about 25 weeks pregnant told me a horror story about someone who had their pram in the house (I won't repeat it) and she believed it was because the pram was in the house :think:

Oh, and I'd JUST told her I had the pram in my house :D

Tactful :fib: (It was a very nasty horror story!)
I'm not at all superstitious normally but still won't have the pram in the house. It's at my mum's.
my mum wont LET me have the pram at our house because of superstition.... which is a bit annoying as its a travel system & i wana make sure the car seat & its base go in our new car easily! not heard the one about the cot though... we have ours in the house, flat packed until the room is ready for it. Wouldnt like to put it up at the last minute.
Ill probably leave the pram at Brians mums till im full term. The cot will be at home tho as its arriving in a couple of weeks
My pram's at my neighbours, as MIL didn't have room and my mum lives quite a way away. It's a travel system though and I've kept the car seat at home ready.

I'm not particularly superstitious however I'm also not one to tempt fate....I'll knock on wood, not walk under ladders etc etc
i had our pram in the house with nichola and she's turned out ok and it's now behind the front door all made up and cleaned with the rain cover on it waiting for baby.

we also still have nichola's cot which wasn't put down after she went into her bed as we used it for storage of baby stuff and it's now in baby's room waiting.

so i have both ready to be used and both in the house. i'm not going to worry about it, i feel organised!
We had all our stuff in the house before Lucy was born and she's been ok! I'm not superstitious at all but I've heard of the pram thing - not the cot.

How does it work with second babies...? We have all the same stuff in our house, it would be madness to send it round to relatives until baby arrived! :think:
i'd say its bad luck not to be fortunate enough to have a cot and pram!

hun i have everything here in my house apart from the pram and thats because it hasnt arrived yet. do what you feel is best but i wouldnt listen to superstition, i think we have enough to worry about!!


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