POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

ewan is weeing o the pot but no concept of when he needs to go... sooo annoying! nappies r getting too small for him now!
Charlie seems to be doing well although he has runs at the moment from being on antibiotics but in fact it seems to have spurred him on cos he must have a slight tummy ache and shouts 'need poo' so we dive for the potty and he does whatever he needs to.

He is still at the telling fibs stage though when we can smell that he has done one in his nappy but he insists that he hasnt. :shakehead:

He is now into the routine of using the potty before bed and as soon as he gets up and whenever we need to go we take him along and he always does something and exclaims to anyone who can here that he has been a good boy and done a wee wee...Oh the joys of a vocal toddler!! :oops:
I'm making progress with Lydia - I don't want to jynx it though by saying too much haha - I'll update in a couple of weeks
yay we've cracked it. A full week with no accidents. She goes on the potty herself when she needs it (I help with wiping). If we're out she tells me when she needs to go.
It's all good :):dance: :cheer:

She's still in nappies for nap and night but that's all - she loves her new Dora knickers! :D
Well done Lydia :cheer:
Jordan is dry all through the day now and only wears nappies at bed time woohoo. i swear boys take longer my girls had just turnt 2 and were fully potty trained during the day and 2 months after that they went through the night too
Hey everyone im wanted to start potty training hope, i know shes young but she seems almost ready, but i dont know where to start, any advise would be fab :)
hi there, i'm joining you all. aidan will be 2 in sept but he knows when he wee's and poos. he even holds himself or his wily when he wants a wee so i'm gonna start him. only prob is he's dubious of the potty.

he stands at the toilet and points it and shakes it ( seen his big bro doing it) but he wont do a thing in it.
Brody is all done :D he's been so good at going on the potty when he's not wearing trousers I kept putting off putting him in pants and trousers, mainly cos I'm busy in the day and in and out of the house a lot and was being a bit lazy about it :oops:

Anyway, last thursday we started, he had one accident that day and none since, he even woke from his nap and asked to do a poo on the potty right away instead of doing it in the nappy (he wears one for nap time still)
I'm really chuffed, he's been ready for ages, it's my fault for putting it off :oops:

The reward chart we had on holiday worked wonders, and so did giving him a chocolate button every time he used the potty :wink:
im one step closer to
Braydon had a fear of going on the potty at nursery would not even sit on it there let alone doing anything,
but yest wen i collected him, he had done 4 wees on the potty and one poo, and he hadnt had a nappy on all day,
altho we did have a few changes of clothes least were getting closer now :D
Hi, I haven't been on here for a while, so you probably won't remember me. My two baby girls keep me very busy (one nearly 4 months, one 17 months). I am thinking about potty training. I might start soon, or might not. She is a very clever girl who picks things up quick, and has started to do things like telling me when she needs changing, and trying to wipe her own bottom.

It is all confusing. I have picked up hints and tips from various places, but don't feel much wiser and I want to have things clear in my head before I go ahead with it. I think she may be telling me when she is ready to fill her nappy, but she only uses the one word whether it is before or after, which is bumbum. I find it very difficult to say the words wee and poo. Even typing them here makes me cringe, so I don't know what to do about that. I need to go to bed now, but I will come back soon and have another read of the posts on the topic.
Hi ya. :wave:

Wow this site aint half changed! (it has been about 6/7months since i was last here) :oops: so its been a while

Well im after some serious potty advice and am ashamed to say i have only recently tried it and seems most of you are done and dusted already!
Im so confused over it all ... they say you know when they are ready ... but i dont.

Iv noticed alot of you talk about doing the odd pee etc on the potty but how do you actually get them on there? do you just keep asking??
I tried Aimee last week, i told her in advance that we were going to wear big girl knickers and no more nappies etc, she was fine, we went shopping and chose some pants, couldnt wait to put on. but wont use the potty... she is v stubborn and the more i ask her the more she digs her heels in. The toilet is def a no go as i think she is scared of it. I only tried for a day and half but just thought maybe she isnt ready as she was getting upset about it all...
She ofter tells me when she wants a poo (but wants to do in her nappy) and always tells me when she's been and demands to be changed and now tells me when she is doing a wee but she wont sit on the potty or if i do get her on there she wont stay long enough,jumps up and says finished. I wanted to go for it and completly stop nappies apart from at night (no pull-ups etc) but maybe i should try a different approach?

oh, i also tried the choc button trick which she is all for but just goes in her nappy and when i say oh you could of had a button if you went in potty she just starts asking for the choc... :roll:

Any advice/tips welcome - i know im obioulsy completly useless with potty training to not know what or when she is ready (she is certainly aware)
Hi ladies im back again, after months of him not gonig to the loo again he actually went on it again today yay.

So im back, I know its not going to easy as he has peed on the floor a few times already and have had to rush him bto the loo. Man this potty training lark is hard!
Ive started potty training Isabella, she does all her wees and poos on the potty or toilet at home. Im not sure what I should be doing when we are out though????????????????
oh wow i am so proud of Braydon,
his been pretty much dry for wees in the day the odd little accidents etc but has been doing so well.
last friday we went to blue water with my family for my birthday and Bray said he wanted his nappy on and didnt wanna take potty which was ok as was worried about it as have not been out without a nappy on properly,
wen we were there Braydon started screaming for the toilet so i told him we had no potty, but tthere was a toilet, and he said ok ( i thought there was no chance)
we went to the toilet and he took his own nappy of, and i put him on the loo, and he went i could not believe it i was soooo proud and now he keeps going on the toilet and doesnt loose the potty yay :D :D :D
Oh that is great, what a clever boy.

So when you are out do you still put on a nappy/pull ups or does he now wear pants??
on the way into and out of town on the bus he wears a nappy but round town he wears his pants :D
Hi all.

Aaliyah has done about 4 wee's on her potty so far but I have to sit with her to keep her occupied so she will do it on her potty.

Sometimes she will stand up and say wee wee so I say ''well sit back on potty then'' and then she wee's or sometimes she will just sit and wee then let me know.

Just wondering, how do Mum's potty training in a carpeted area go on? I have carpet all throughout my house apart from bathroom, toilet and kitchen. My sisters house has wood flooring so she lets her little boy go without a nappy all the time in the house and he's been doing wee's, poo's and everything but i'm scared Aaliyah will have alot of accidents and my carpet will smell of stale wee after a while :? , hence me trying to keep her occupied on the potty sometimes. This might sound a bit petty but it does worry me a little. Other than that i'm proud of the wee's she has done, I almost cried :oops:
Jade89 said:
Hi all.

Aaliyah has done about 4 wee's on her potty so far but I have to sit with her to keep her occupied so she will do it on her potty.

Sometimes she will stand up and say wee wee so I say ''well sit back on potty then'' and then she wee's or sometimes she will just sit and wee then let me know.

Just wondering, how do Mum's potty training in a carpeted area go on? I have carpet all throughout my house apart from bathroom, toilet and kitchen. My sisters house has wood flooring so she lets her little boy go without a nappy all the time in the house and he's been doing wee's, poo's and everything but i'm scared Aaliyah will have alot of accidents and my carpet will smell of stale wee after a while :? , hence me trying to keep her occupied on the potty sometimes. This might sound a bit petty but it does worry me a little. Other than that i'm proud of the wee's she has done, I almost cried :oops:

He he im afraid it did make me laugh as Isabella has had a few accidents since potty training (only wee wee's) touch wood on my carpets. Once she is fully trained Im going to get my carpets cleaned as over the year since they have been fitted Ive had wee & sick on them!!

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