POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

Urchin said:
Well Brody made excellent progress yesterday evening!

Not only did he do loads of wees on the potty but he did his very first poo on it for me (he has done it for my mum not me)
He kept saying he wanted a poo, pointing to his bum and saying poo and bum, I think he would have preferred a nappy but he did it on the potty in the end and ended up getting about 6 chocolate buttons at 8pm :oops: Not the best timing but nevermind!

Rachael I'm sure my time for scraping up poo off the carpet will come soon enough!

Well done Brody! - I hope you miss out on the poop sccoping off your carpet, especially the liquid kind I had yesterday!

I'm hoping yesterday was a blip as he seems to have an upset tummy at the moment, up until then we had all poohs in the pot.
-He's not had a pooh yet today...but he's naked again, so we'll see how it goes!
Sod the chart then, I have a cupboard full of chocolate biscuits that stephen loves so im sure they will be better.

Wel we did go to his nans and he had one wee on the loo, but when he as mid stream he stopped cos his cousins wandered in and later on when i took his nappy off hed peed in there so obviously he doesnt like audience.

But apart from that 3 wees today, and i bought this for him as well

http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/p ... searchtext>POTTYS.htm

and he was comfortable with it and when he tinkles now it wont go over the loo seat :rotfl: no one told me potty training was this fun :lol:
The handles are great! but check this - he hasnt been weeing on it, as soon as I took it off he did a wee!!!

Typical, he has 14 quid spent on him, and hed rather pee on a loo thats reall uncomfortable!
mrs_tommo22 said:
The handles are great! but check this - he hasnt been weeing on it, as soon as I took it off he did a wee!!!

Typical, he has 14 quid spent on him, and hed rather pee on a loo thats reall uncomfortable!

That is typical! - Little monkey's aren't they?!
Yeah, and same thing happened this morning. He will either get used to it or it will do for imogen when she needs potty training.
Ewan will wee if you sit him on the potty, but other than that will wee on the floor if i leave him without nappies.
Need to get a week a start doin it properly, just been to hectic at the moment with my gran being ill and in and out of hospitla.
Lydia is currently on the toilet - nothing is happening though - she's just sitting there kicking her stool. She always says she needs to go when you ask her, but then nothing happens. Then when you don't ask her, she pees in her nappy (or on the floor if she's not wearing a nappy) :wall:
Hows it been going with Lydia xena? is sh still peeing on the floor?

Stephen has been fine and still weeing on the loo when i point and when hes used to it I hope he will start number 2 as well cos in the nappy is gross.
Had a good day today until Ky sat on the pot and fell off, pot tipped up with about 3 wees in it....well that will teach me to stop being a lazy ass empty the pot after every wee!
-I'm not enjoying the poo/wee on the carpet aspect of potty training, even after I clean it up and disinfect it, I hate the idea that it was there! - Laminate flooring would be so much easier!
I've not been good the last few days, I need to get going again later when Brody wakes up from his nap.

How's everyone getting on?
I've temporarily given up. I'll restart at the weekend. Lydia has had a bad cold and isn't feeling herself at all, so there's not much hope of toilet co-operation.

I only just seen thsi thread!
Seems like everyones doing pretty well :)

Kiaras been going for days now if her diaper is off has had one pee accident whle she was wearignher underwear .
I put her diapers on for her nap but she takes it off most the time anyeways expecually if she poos i hear eeww mom poo out of her room :lol:
But i think the fact she dont wnat it on is probably a good thing :)

Anyone got any suggestions how to potty train while were out ???

braydon still refuses to do anything on the potty he will sit on it but wont do anything
Ive been a bit lax the last couple of days with stephen, but back to normal tomorrow I hope.

Kiara went around the house today in her underwear and jeans and when i came out from the kitchen i found her pooing in the toilet :D am so proud .
Hi all!!
Iv just found this thread and thank god!!
Iv been trying to potty train ellie since the begining of january and were sort of stuck!! If i leave her with her pull ups off, she'l do a wee in her potty without needing reminded.
She will not do a poo, she gets really freaked out and actually screams when she realises whats happening! I have to put a nappy back on her to catch it.
I dont understand why? Iv never made a deal out of her having a dirty nappy, has anyone else had this?
I'm really starting to struggle now!!!!
Hi :wave: Ready for my 1st wee/poo diary entry?.....

I decided to skip the whole potty thing with Isaac. Mostly because I don't think its very hygenic and he has seen us pee on the loo so he may aswell start as he means to go on etc etc...

Anyway he was doing really well on his own little seat on top of our toilet seat and he was telling me when he needed a wee (not poo yet) and I was taking him upstairs and sitting him on the loo (trousers and nappy completely off, he won't have them around his ankles) and he was just sitting (no weeing) and then saying "finished" and asking for tissue which he then wiped on his winkie and threw down the loo. Then he got off the seat, I flushed and we waved the tissue (and imaginary wee) goodbye. That was all good and then he actually started having a wee!!!! His face would go bright red and he would push it out! :cheer: but now its all gone a bit pete tong because when we go to the bathroom now all he wants to do is wash his hands. He is obsessed with it!!!! He says he needs a wee, we go upstairs and he says "mummy hands" and I say "after you've had a wee wee" and he starts creating so I give in and let him wash them and then once he's finished he won't sit on the loo for a wee!!!!

ARGHH!! 2 steps forward 3 steps back :roll:
Awww this is a really good thread.

We have a potty for Arianna, we aren't training her yet, but we have it and let her sit on it sometimes so when it does come round to training her she isnt scared of it.

We sometimes let her walk round the house in just a top and a pair of knickers and she doesnt say "pee" or anything but she will come running to us if she knows she is going to go, so I am hoping this is a good sign for when we do train her. :pray:
SarahH said:
Awww this is a really good thread.

We have a potty for Arianna, we aren't training her yet, but we have it and let her sit on it sometimes so when it does come round to training her she isnt scared of it.

We sometimes let her walk round the house in just a top and a pair of knickers and she doesnt say "pee" or anything but she will come running to us if she knows she is going to go, so I am hoping this is a good sign for when we do train her. :pray:

Yeah it is a good sign. It means she knows the sensation of needing a wee :D

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