POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

Just an update on Kiaras progress!!
we went out twice today with no diapers who hoo
1st time for a walk to get milk about 25 min walk ( with Kiara walking there ) and about 15 min back !
Then spent 3 hours at the mall and she asked to go 3 times and actually went :D :D :D
Its kinda wierd though makes her seem so grown up now!
Had to laugh though her pants are all already too big in the waist and with no diaper its even worse we need a belt and cant find one anywhere!

Sarah H that is a really good sign!!

lou Kiara does good for a while then goes backwards for month or so then goes then doesnt so i wouldnt worry hun :hug:

bhe101 - Kiara was always like this would only go if her diaper or pull up was off .

Well Jack finally seems to have made aconnection, i was geting a little concerened as he seemed to be holding it in (which can be good i know) then letting go once he had a neepy back on

Anyway from about 2.30pm he had no nappy or pants on and was fine no accidents or anything, then out of the blue he just grabbed his potty and sat down and did a proper wee :dance:
not just a dribble

He must of thought i was mental the fuss i made of him, he got a sweet and s ticker and it was so funny as he said "no sweet for Emily, no wee on potty" :rotfl:

Out shopping this morning so will see how we get on this afternoon
i am loosing the will to live braydon will not do anything on the potty just refuses i am seriously running out of ideas
HELP some one please

Sarah hun maybe Braydon just isnt ready dont rush him he will do it when he is ready :) I was told at the doc they are usually ready closer to 3 anyways but each child is different.
Boys are suppost to be harder too ( dont know yet )
Hang in there hun :hug:
sarah dont lose heart hun he will get there :hug:
when i potty trained luke i tried him at 2 years 5 months and was pulling my hair out with it :( in the end my HV advised putting him back in nappies and gave me some advice on signs to look for to see if he was ready i waited for those signs by then he was 2 years 10 months he only weed on the floor twice then used the potty every time after that for wees and poos but i had to leave his bottom half naked as if i even put pants on him he would wee them took another 2 months b4 we were able to go out without nappies on xxxxxxx
is any one using cloth and starting to train? when charlotte trained i got her a pair of training pants from mothercare.. they were crappy plasticy inside 2 layers of terry..they were a bit to sweaty for my liking but they did the trick, and got me interested in cloth coz they arnt nappy like at all.. they are knickers..im just starting to set up my nappy business aint even started making yet.. but i would be interested to find out what you guys would say a training pant should have, if you think of anything.. i would imagine fun coloured pants that look like undys but will absorb if wee'd into..
gd luck btw.. my advise would be to stay in for a week
bray still wont do nething on the potty n his nearly 2 1/2
do u think i am doin summit wrong?
some kids dont like pottys.. have you tried the toilet? tell us what the routeen is and perhaps we can help you out?
he has the toilet seat thing and a little toilet !

basically everytime i do his nappy i sit him on the potty - if he will occasionally he wil just refuse to sit on it
Sarah, jack hates his potty and doesn't like the little seat thing either
He much prefers to go on the "big" toilet, could be worth a try, all i'll say is don't push it, he'll do it in his own time
thanks hun ill try it,
is it normally for them to have done nothing on the potty or toilet at 2 and a half?
Hi sorry I haven't posted, the toilet training was on hold because all Isaac wanted to do was wash his hands everytime we went to the bathroom. He has got past it now and the last few days he has been telling us when he needs a wee and weeing on the loo and then washing his hands. He is doing really well. We just have to crack having a poo now then we can think about going nappy free.

Sarah&Braydon said:
bray still wont do nething on the potty n his nearly 2 1/2
do u think i am doin summit wrong?

Heya Sarah,

You're not doing anything wrong, every child is different and do things in different stages, Don't worry! One thing I will say is don't rush him, he will do it in his own time, alot of children I know usually start when they're nearer 3. Maybe just leave the potty out so he gets used to it being around and what it's for. I'm not saying this will happen to you but my Mum got worried about my Brother cause I was ready and was potty trained about 18 months, but he was coming up to his 2nd birthday and he wasn't even interested. She kept trying him and in the end he became scared of the potty & toilet and ended up in nappies for quite a while longer. I hope he manages it soon hun :hug:
OOo - can I join?
DD is very good at using her potty - providing she has a completely bare bum. If I put her in knickers I have to ask her constantly and sometimes she will remember.
It's so hard to know what to do, and to my eternal shame I shouted at her yesterday for weeing on the floor when she was 2 feet away from her potty. :oops:
How is everyone doing with the potty training there doesnt seem to be anyupdates.
kiara has been dry day and night for weeks now whoohoo now i only got Kadyn so in about 2 years or so ill be diaperless :)

lou it took Kiara a lot longer to tackle the pooing i think because it hurts her to go both my kids have constipation problems often.

monster_ munch its normal to get that reaction at times it can be a very stressful business! sounds like you off to a great start :)
Bray has so far done 4 wee wees on the potty were getting closer woohoo
Aimees been going on the potty since yesterday, finally we are getting somewhere. we have had one accident but she was playing in the back garden and I think she just forgot.
Aimees been out of nappies in the day for a couple of weeks now. We can now wear clothes and go out without a nappy on. Shes still struggling having a poo on the potty so I make sure we don't go out till she's done one. She's been dry at night too for the past 3 nights. Don't know if it's a fluke or not cos I wasn't expecting her to come out of nappies at night for another year. Hope she keeps it up anyway so I can halve my nappy bill :)
oh wow ur doing so much better than us were still at the stage of starting to wee then finish on potty and wont do it newhere but at home wen its just the two off us lol

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