POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

Were doing ok here with potty training, he is weeing more in the loo now and doing good but still not telling me when he needs to go, its a case of put him on there and hope he does one - or two lol
I'm not getting any closer at the mo. Well a little - aidan will sit on his potty, but he points his willy upwards and pees out of the potty. Either that or he wees on the floor, goes and gets his potty and puts it over the wee :rotfl: :rotfl:
where potty training now too. she is doing well sometimes lol she is just two its not too young is it? xx
angela- said:
where potty training now too. she is doing well sometimes lol she is just two its not too young is it? xx

I dont think 2 is to young if she is showing signs of being ready - good luck :D
we bought Liam a mini urinal, cant remember what it is called. i hung it on the toilet, my DH the lazy sod couldnt be bothered to take a packet of nappies upstairs and threw it and it hit the urinal and broke it.

liam is a nightmare.

might try the reward system though. hmmm

plus he hates having a poo nappy, but he still wont go on toilet.
Eveadel said:
angela- said:
where potty training now too. she is doing well sometimes lol she is just two its not too young is it? xx

I dont think 2 is to young if she is showing signs of being ready - good luck :D

thankyou hun she is doing really well! xx
Quick update!

I have succesfully potty trained Stephen! 2 weeks ago I said he was no where near to have pants on at school and last week he was at home sick and for 3 days and another 2 over the weekend he was dry in pants and was going to the loo and doing wees but no poos. He waits till he has his night-time nappy on then he does a poo lol so 2 nappies a day lol.

Hes now going to school in pants and has been for 4 days and is going to the toilet - all is good. :dance: for me! I finally feel he is a 'big boy' now and Im very proud of him!

Good luck to all potty training their little ones

Oh and had to mention this - his excitment of wearing pants is because he chose his own Thomas the tank engine ones and im pretty sure thats why hes cracked it all of a sudden!
I just wanted to post and let you know that Isaac is doing BRILLIANTLY! I had a chat with him about babies wearing nappies and that when you get big you use the toilet and it has worked (with the help of a reward chart with stickers). Later that same day he asked to use to toilet. We started wearing pants that same day. He had a few accidents the first few days, wee's and poo's but now he is using the loo great!!!! He has his own loo seat which we take out with us and he has his own seat at nannys house and he uses them fine. He wear pull ups to bed but has been waking in the night for a wee and has had dry nappies for many nights now that when the packet has run out I think I will just put pants on him at night. Luckily his mattress has a zip off cover and is very hygenic so no worries there.

I think when I tried before he just wasn't ready and he has done it all in his own time with no stress atall. When I had a chat with him I explained that babies have dummy's (he no longer has) babies have bottles (he no longer has) babies sleep in cots (he no longer has) and babies wear nappies. He really listened to me and without a doubt it did the trick :)
Please help me.

We bought a little potty for Aidan, he knows what it is for but will not sit on it for more than a second or two. My mother-in-law thinks he should have been potty trained months ago which has made my husband think our son is really late in learning! I keep telling him that all kids are different.

At the moment he comes up to me after he has gone and says "pooed" but being wet or dirty does not bother him at all!! Should i get feel and learn pants?

I think it would be a good idea to get a better potty, one that is higher up, like a chair. I just wondered if anyone had any suggestions.


Personally I think pottys are unhygenic and a bit daft because once they have mastered the potty you then have to make the transition from potty to toilet. My advice would be to cut out the middle man and get him straight on the loo with a seat you put over the top to stop them falling down the hole.

Also if nothing is happening I'd get back in nappies and wait a while. I tried Isaac too early and he just used to mess himself, I waited and when he was ready he asked to use the toilet and now he is only in pull ups at night time.
Well Hope is near enough toilet trained now, no nappy during day or night, still have a few wet nights but all in all shes completely dry, yey go Hopey :cheer:
i havent posted on this bit but i thought i would tell u our story.

Oliver is 3 now and a yr ago b4 now we decided to start him off potty training. we did it slowey but by the summer time he was fully potty trained during the day. he has been now for about 7 months now during the day :D

now we started tonite on the nite time potty trainig hes been to the toliet at 7 n then at 10 30 that is him till when he wakes up i hope :D will post in the morning if hes had a dry nite

we told him that hes a big boy and big boys dont need nappys no more awww he was like mummy Ollie big boy now
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

WoooooHoooooo! *Dances round the room*

Tried to potty train Aaliyah a few times but she has never seemed ready and I never wanted to push her. Now.... She has a nappy off in the morning and tells us when she needs the potty and even poo's on it! :D She's been having the odd few accidents on the floor like when she's intruiged in Barney or something :lol: but will always tell me about it and go and sit on the potty afterwards. :cheer:

OH has just taken her upstairs to give her a bath and I heard alot of exitement...

OH said she was dancing around the bathroom shouting ''wee wee'' so he put her on the big toilet and she did a wee! :D :D :D

I think we are getting somewhere and i'm not going back this time...and the ammount of nappies that are not being used in the day too :dance: Woohoo!

She absouloutly loves the praise aswell :D
DD Lauren is 2 on February 9, DH thinks that will be a good time to start potty training her.

Opinions on this please. Too early?
Kate82 said:
DD Lauren is 2 on February 9, DH thinks that will be a good time to start potty training her.

Opinions on this please. Too early?

IMO I don't think any age is too early if your LO is ready to be potty trained.
My LO was out of nappies at 18 months, brill if you ask me but I know the lady next door has only just finished potty training her eldest and he's 3. According to my mother I was potty trained by 19 months but reverted a little when my sister came along, few weeks later I was clearly bored with nappies and wanted back in big girl pants again, so wasn't surprised LO trained early.
Alice has started to say to me "alice do wee wee on loo" when i tell her that i need to go to the toilet... the other day i entertained it, and took her trousers off, undid her vest and took her nappy off and then she started screaming no and went running off to get a new nappy (the one she had on wasn't dirty...) ? :think:

a few months ago she would sit on her potty but not use it. Now she won't even sit on it clothed... She has also taken a step backwards and instead of telling me she needs to go poo poo she tells me she has been a poo poo. How can i 'train' her telling me before back into her :think:

I was wondering if it was worth getting one of those seats that fit into an adult toilet seeing as the potty is such a no go area at the moment. Are they any good? is there anything to bear in mind when choosing one...

One min she seems to be showing me signs she is ready, the next its like we have taken a HUGE leap backwards!
We've just about cracked it with potty training.

I bought potties when my son was 18 months old which was very early but I wanted to get him used to seeing them around and learn what they were for. He sat on it the very first time we got them and over the months we'd ask him if wanted to sit on it before his bath. Most of the time it was a no. Or he'd get on for a second or two and get straight back off.

The nursery staff at his nursery and the HV both said boys tend to be ready later than girls for potty training and that you're much better off waiting until they are ready as they'll pick it up much quicker.

Just before xmas, Isaac started to dislike being in a wet nappy and would tell us when he'd done a poo. He was also dry most mornings. Out of the blue on xmas eve, he wanted to sit on his potty and he did a wee!!! He was soooooo excited and proud of himself.

Since then there's been no stopping him, I've been amazed at the rapid progression he's made week on week.

I was leaving his nappy off to start with in the house. I'd put a nappy on to go out but my MIL was braver and put him in big boy pants to go out. Just making sure that he used the potty before going out.

We had a few accidents for the first 2/3 weeks. You do take a few steps forward and then a few steps backwards but it will come together eventually.

I think about 2 weeks in, he was in big boy pants all the time and I bought joggers so that he could pull his trousers down himself to get on the potty. Which he does now. 3rd week in I braved it and put big boy pants on him to go out, making sure he did a wee before going out.

He's going on the potty at nursery as well now, he's done so well. Just goes to show that if they're not ready, relax and wait until they are because they'll pick it up so much quicker.

He's dry every morning but still wants to wear a nappy at bedtime, I'm not pushing him until he's ready. We need to encourage him to use the toilet more, we have a thomas the tank seat which he loves but it's been a lot less painful than I imagined.

Good luck guys!
Well ive been eyeing up a fifi loo seat and matching step for mia!!

Thinking of having a try at 18 months...if shes not ready i wont make a big deal just leave it for a while...but i think she'l pick it up!!


but also not at the thought of cleaning crap off the floor when she forgets to go!! :puke: :puke:

3 months to go lol :cheer:

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