POTTY TRAINING....Anyone joining me? (and Brody!)

I bought a potty for Aimee last week but we haven't had any luck. She was showing a lot of signs of being ready but she just sat on it for about an hour then got off and had a wee on the rug :roll: I keep trying her for an hour or so in the mornings but up to now the potty is still dry.
Kina said:
Urchin said:
Cool now there are a few of us I'll make this a sticky :)

Just like my carpet when Ella smudged an entire poo into in with her hands and spoon when I was out of the room. Oh no, hang on, that was sh*tty not sticky!! :lol:

EW kina!! :rotfl:
we started to try and potty train Charlie when he was about 18 months old as he kept shouting 'Poo' when he needed one but at that age he felt the urge but couldnt figure out why we would suddenly jump and sit him on a piece of plastic....he preferred to wear it on his head! :rotfl:

Anyway, we tried again and for the past two weeks we have made the effort to whip off his nappy when he gets up and he shouts need wee wee and sits on the potty and does a wee and now a poo as well! He loves stars so the sticker chart is going great and he jumps off the potty now for a big celebration hug as well....easily pleased.
We now strip off his bottoms and let him run naked round the living room when we get home from work and we have a potty in the front room on top of his chaging mat and 'touch wood' he has used it all the time for the past couple of weeks and no little accidents although he doesnt quite finish his poo sometimes and we have to run round after him with the wipes....getting quite athletic!!!!!

I keep dropping hints to the childminder about what were doing at home so will see if she catches on and starts trying during the day but were not really pushing it too much as he isnt 2 yet so we've still plenty of time but were getting there slowly but surely. Didnt think it would be such hard work though :roll:
Kina said:
She seems to get it really well when she's naked, or just wearing pants, but add clothes and it's a recipe for disaster :?

I'm having the same problem - Ky uses the pot for wees and poo's and has no accidents if I leave him naked....He just takes himself off to his pot, I don't have to keep asking and he doesn't even tell me or give himself a big cheer and clap anymore.
As soon as I dress him its as if he thinks he has a nappy on....
.......Every recent photo of him now he looks like a naturist! Naked painting, naked chef, naked eating, naked drummer.... naked naked naked!

If someone cracks this problem, i'd be very happy if hey'd share the solution and save my son from pneumonia!
Ill join you all
Jordans just started going on the potty every so often, most of the time it ends up on the floor :(
We had a great morning, right up until nap time. Ella was wearing a dress but without tights, but with big girl pants. She told me everytime she needed to go, did 2 big poos on the potty then had a slight accident when she, 'followed through' after a good fart (god I'm embarassed for her!).
Then she went in a nappy for naptime at 2pm and did a poo almost immediately :( But she was up in her bedroom so I wasn't there for her to tell me. She's been on the potty again this afternoon but she also did a wee in a nappy. TBH we seem to have great morning but from naptime (and nappy time) it goes downhill!
ooo can i join in. Leah started potty training a few months ago - its going really well, shes not in pants yet, but when shes at home she has no nappy on n says wee wee n poo if needed n she goes n sits on the potty, or toilet ( we have a little booster step thing with a soft toilet seat - she only does a poo on the toilet - hee hee) At nursery its abit diff cos she cant run around without her nappy on, but they say its going well and even when she does sumthing in her nappy, she tells them. Im hoping by her 2nd Birthday in May she'l b in proper pants :D

She had a reward chart n gets a milky way star when she does it fine, we do have the odd accident thou, bless her.

xx Tori xx
Brody did well at Nanny's today, did 2 poos and all his wees on the potty :D
I put stephen on the toilet a few times yesterday and let him get on the loo himself with his step and he just sat there making wee noises thw whole time and no wees or poos :(

But me like a pillock sat there doing them with him and even turned the taps on hoping it would make him pee!!!!!!! :rotfl:

Barking mad?.....yes :D
Bit of a rubbish day today as we were out this morning, but before we went out (and her nappy went on) she weed and pooed on the potty. When we came home I changed her (she'd weed and pooed in her nappy) :roll: and she did another wee on the potty before her naptime nappy went on.

I feel like we're never going to get there if I don't drop the nappies!
:oops: Crap day for me too... Brody has had a nappy on all day... I'm taking it off now!

This thread is good for reminding me at least, I get an email every time someone replies and then I remember!
Well after a morning of stephen wearing pants and peeing on my floor i had had enough and put his pull ups back on him, but this evening......


Its better then christmas :rotfl: and he does know when hes doing one cos hes looking at his winky so im popping him on the loo every half hour and have done this every two days, im knackered but seeing him do that earlier was worth it!

Good luck ladies!
Yay thats great MrsT :dance:

Urchin, Jack has been in a pull up all day too ( not the smae one i hasten to add :lol: )

We didn't have a bad day yesterday only 2 accidents and one wee on the toilet,( afternoon) he seems to hold it which is a little worrying

Though a funny thing did happen, my sister was chasing him with one of Emilys dolls, tickling him with the hair of it and he wet himself!
I told Ami (sister ) that she had scared him so much he had wet himself, she was mortified until i couldn't keep a straight face :rotfl:

Ah well it amused me :rotfl:
Thanks girls, this thread is really helping me out. And he did another big wee as well before bedtime as well so I was really pleased.

I hope now hes done it he will keep doing it, and hopefully in the future when his speech is better he will be able too tell me.

Il be staying in here, and Urchin im sure brody will do better tomorrow!
Urchin said:
:oops: Crap day for me too... Brody has had a nappy on all day... I'm taking it off now!

This thread is good for reminding me at least, I get an email every time someone replies and then I remember!

I had a crap day today too! (Quite literally)
We started off well, Ky was all dressed and told me he wanted a wee wee...took his pants and trousers down and he had a wee...then he came upstairs with me to empty the pot...He said he wanted his car, so I left him upstairs to play with it and I went back downstairs.

Two mins later he came down and said "Mom poo" I asked him if he needed a poo - He said "No" - So I asked him if he'd had a poo - He said "Yes, upstairs" ...Off I went to check and OMG it was EVERYWHERE!!!! - It looked like he'd had a massive wet fart on his car,it had gone through the bottom of the car and he'd wheeled through it all over the landing - I could have cried! - It took me a good hour up there scrubbing with disinfectant and theres a slight stain where most of it must have first landed....so need to get some stain remover tomorrow!

...Tomorrow is a new day............please let it be better!
Well Brody made excellent progress yesterday evening!

Not only did he do loads of wees on the potty but he did his very first poo on it for me (he has done it for my mum not me)
He kept saying he wanted a poo, pointing to his bum and saying poo and bum, I think he would have preferred a nappy but he did it on the potty in the end and ended up getting about 6 chocolate buttons at 8pm :oops: Not the best timing but nevermind!

Rachael I'm sure my time for scraping up poo off the carpet will come soon enough!
Thats brilliant Urchin!!! well done Brody!

Are any of you doing a star chart or anything for your little people if they do a wee or poo?

Im thinking anout getting some stickers and that today so i can do a chart on the computor and put it next to the toilet. Might give him some incentive.

Were going to his nans today so will see what happens!
mrs_tommo22 said:
Are any of you doing a star chart or anything for your little people if they do a wee or poo?

Im thinking anout getting some stickers and that today so i can do a chart on the computor and put it next to the toilet. Might give him some incentive.

Were going to his nans today so will see what happens!

I had a Thomas the Tank engine potty traing chart but we abandoned that because Ky didn't get it and wanted to stick the stickers everywhere and wasn't happy he just got to stick one at a time. I also don't think he found it much of a reward lol
Like Urchin, I have found chocolate to be more successful!

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