POLL: Did you conceive straight after miscarriage?


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2016
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I don't think there is a way for me to add a real poll, but I'm interested to hear how long it took you after a miscarriage to conceive. I've heard stories that you're more fertile after a miscarriage, but I want to know, in real terms whether that's been the case for you all, or not.

I'm CD7 into my 15th loss. <3
I don't think there is a way for me to add a real poll, but I'm interested to hear how long it took you after a miscarriage to conceive. I've heard stories that you're more fertile after a miscarriage, but I want to know, in real terms whether that's been the case for you all, or not.

I'm CD7 into my 15th loss. <3

My last MC was July 2020 I’ve not conceived since x
Yes, I conceived the cycle after my miscarriage, no period in between. I counted the first day of heavy bleeding as cd1, and that was pretty accurate since he always measured right on target and was even born on his due date.

Best of luck to you, honey <3 I also took Maca for fertility and to prevent miscarriage, and took it all the way through pregnancy too.
I miscarried November 2018 and it took me a year to conceive again, I actually conceived exactly a year later give or take a week! I was taking fertility drugs as I have lazy ovaries, so not sure if that had a part to play in the length of time xx
After 2 longer cycles after my CP I conceived my 3 cycle after.

Sorry for your loss. Try and stay positive. Any chance you can start progesterone as soon as you ovulate?
I had a missed miscarriage in October 2010 and another missed miscarriage in October 2016. October is apparently a bad month for me. I conceived for the third time in spring of 2020. I never tried to get pregnant immediately after a loss. Each one hit me hard, both emotionally and financially and I needed time to recover. My first pregnancy was unintentional, conceived on birth control after exposure to an antibiotic. The other two were intentional pregnancies conceived easily on the first cycle. I've been lucky to be able to conceive without trouble each time I intended to.

I wish you the best of luck moving forward. I hope you conceive when you're ready to and that a healthy baby comes your way soon. ❤️
Yes, I conceived the cycle after my miscarriage, no period in between. I counted the first day of heavy bleeding as cd1, and that was pretty accurate since he always measured right on target and was even born on his due date.

Best of luck to you, honey <3 I also took Maca for fertility and to prevent miscarriage, and took it all the way through pregnancy too.

Thank you @Kholl, Can I ask how far (gestation wise) you were, when you miscarried? I hope to maybe follow in your footsteps, I feel very uncertain about this cycle, I want to try but mentally, I don't think I should. <3

Any chance you can start progesterone as soon as you ovulate?

Thank you, I still have progesterone pesseries, but I don't think progesterone is the reason I'm miscarrying. I think it's a blood clotting disorder that was nearly diagnosed in 2015. <3

I wish you the best of luck moving forward. I hope you conceive when you're ready to and that a healthy baby comes your way soon. ❤️

Sorry to hear of your loss. I am on the fence as to whether to try this cycle or not. I keep going forward and back on thoughts on whether we should try or not. I've started my BBT to confirm if or when I do ovulate. <3

@Mrsbridge17, Hopefully your :bfp: is coming soon, I have everything crossed for you. <3

@Lucie12344, Bless you! I'm glad you for your :bfp:, well deserved. <3
Thank you, I still have progesterone pesseries, but I don't think progesterone is the reason I'm miscarrying. I think it's a blood clotting disorder that was nearly diagnosed in 2015. <3

I was put on a low dose of asprin for the duration of my last pregnancy. I have no idea if that helped or not, but I did carry to term that time. If you suspect a blood clotting disorder, it might be worth talking to your doctor about that.
I was put on a low dose of asprin for the duration of my last pregnancy. I have no idea if that helped or not, but I did carry to term that time. If you suspect a blood clotting disorder, it might be worth talking to your doctor about that.

I have and I will have blood tests.

I saw a really obnoxious fertility specialist in 2015 (at that point, I'd only had 9 miscarriages) and she said she's 99% certain the bloods will come back normal and it's ''natures selection''.
My bloods came back positive for a blood clotting disorder.
She then said we needed a repeat test (in 4 months) to confirm the diagnosis.
At the time of the second blood test (which also returned a positive result), I was early into my last successful pregnancy. Because of that, she ruled out the diagnosis as 'pregnancy voids the result'. I carried to term with no problems and was not given or advised to take a blood thinner.

I asked her about taking aspirin in the two week wait and she advised me it can also hinder implantation, how true that is I don't know. I just remember how obnoxious she was.
I had a missed misarriage at 12 weeks in 2012 and it took me 4 months to get pregnant again after that.
Wow! I'm so sorry you had such a rotten experience with your fertility specialist! I would definitely seek out further information regarding your clotting disorder results as you move forward. It might make all the difference. I'm hoping whatever is causing your miscarriages can be identified and treated. You've had so many losses. My heart breaks for you.
Thank you, me too. I need answers.
CD13 and the bleeding is back to red and heavier.
It's also my birthday today, another year older and still, empty arms.
Yes. I miscarried on thanksgiving day last year....we wasn’t ttc. I found out I was pregnant during a emergency visit. I was totally shocked of the news. But my family have a history of miscarriages. I do have 3 boys already hopefully this is my girl!!!!
I had a 2nd trimester miscarriage May 13th 2016 and we got pregnant with our daughter a month later in June (we were not trying since we were told wait 6 months bt my doctor and I had not had a cycle yet since the miscarriage) our daughter was born healthy February 2017

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