please say its just the baby blues

Dionne hun, you have the two most precious things in life, 2 beautiful healthy children. I hate it when people say that sometimes, as people often forget I am a person, and need a life too, but right now, as much as I would love a night out, I wouldn't dare, I look and feel horrendous.

Quite often I feel like my OH thrives on it when I am down, he seems 100% more confident/cocky, knowing I'm the little housewife sitting at home, while he is out and about. :wall:
Is their no group you can go to, just to get out the house, e.g a baby group i know some times they have some toys for the older kids and you can chat to some other mums, and i know you don't have a double buggy but couldn't you get a big sheet that is not fitted and try and make a sling out of that??? i know it might look a bit silly but least your getting out the house then.
getting out definitley helps - i felt really low a few days after having eva and getting out helped me to clear my head, when i was in the house i just couldnt stop crying.

hope you feel better soon.

by the way you shouldnt feel unattractive and 'disgusting'. I think you look really beautiful and i'm sure everyone agrees. Your pic in your avatar is lovely and the photos you posted of you and harvey are really nice too. you look really well despite just having a baby. you need to give your body time to get back to normal. I felt a bit down about myself too. it's horrible not being able to fit into your clothes but you will go back to normal soon. i got stretchmarks on my boobs and thighs, the ones on my chest have gone away loads now but the ones on my legs arent fading just yet. they do get better though!


(((hugs))) Mel is 5 months and I still have the occasional day when I just go back to bed when he's down for a nap and pull the duvet over my head and don't want to go anywhere or do anything! I try and force myself to though as I feel 100% better when I'm actually out. If you get to meet other mums with babies the same age they'll be exactly like you- running from here to there with unwashed hair and clothes with spew marks on etc! To begin with in my post-natal group I think we all thought everyone else was coping better than we were and then we had a conversation about "lipstick" days- when you feel that everything is beyond your control but you pile on the lipstick as you fly out of the door in order to look like you're in control. We all laughed as most of us had done that!

As for the bad thoughts- I had loads of those in the first month or two. I'd see him on his gym mat and then visualise all of these bad things happening like "what if I accidentally tripped and landed on top of him?" "What if I left the back door open and a stray cat came in and bit him?" etc etc! I thought I was going mad but to some extent I think it's your brain getting into Mum gear because we need to make these calculations all of the time to keep our babies safe. If it gets out of control or it causes you lots of anxiety then it's probably your hormones, baby blues, pnd etc but I think just about everyone has those basic thoughts.

Have you got a local library? Ours runs a story morning free for babies. Could you ask the HV about m & b groups? Honestly, meeting other mums will really help :)

Hope you feel better soon hun
Dionne your friends may have perfect figures etc now, but they will probably have babies one day!

You have something they dont have, you have your two precious babies!!

Im sorry to hear that you are feeling down, but with to gorgeous babies like yours, just look at them and i hope you smile :wink:
Beanie, I'm exactly the same as you with the attacks - I have been prescribed Citalopram anti-depressents and they are great, I'm much more 'normal' now and don't feel like a worrier ALL the time. I've had to stop them however as I'm pregnant again and my first baby is only 6 months old!!! Similar time difference to Dior's mum (who by the way is beautiful - what a lovely photo of you).

Having babies is hard, it is the HARDEST thing I have ever done in my life and coping with two deserves lots of respect. I admire you for coping with Dior and Harley and thing you are doing a brilliant job. Please don't ever forget that.
Belle said:
Beanie, I'm exactly the same as you with the attacks - I have been prescribed Citalopram anti-depressents and they are great, I'm much more 'normal' now and don't feel like a worrier ALL the time. I've had to stop them however as I'm pregnant again and my first baby is only 6 months old!!! Similar time difference to Dior's mum (who by the way is beautiful - what a lovely photo of you).

I have been put on paroxetine as am breastfeeding but they don't seem to be working as well a they were :(
hi girls i think it was the baby blues....
imfeeling much better although iv been waiting over a week for my double buggy, (iv ordered one of the net) its lovely weather and i cant go out urghhhhh...

i dontlet my self get down any moreeven thou there is not a day go by when some one asks me if im preg.but alot of the time i aint got harley with me as i cant take them both out :(

things are so hard, i realy didnt think about it good anough, having two babies, with Dior only just trying to walk its hard having two babies to carry around change bums bottles... iwish i had waited a bitlonger so dior till Dior was more independant.. but today i pointed to harleys blanket that was onthe floor and she passed me it...cleaver girl :clap:

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