"i've changed my mind I dont want this baby, i'm not ready yet lets go back home I want a home birth lol"
sophie said:when a diff MW walked into check me, anyway she said 'not everyone can be in here u will have to leave' pointin to me, i was like ok then and went to walk out (high on gas an air) lol my mum an MIL were in fits the MW didnt find it so funny, she was a right misery!
bubble_dreamer said:sophie said:when a diff MW walked into check me, anyway she said 'not everyone can be in here u will have to leave' pointin to me, i was like ok then and went to walk out (high on gas an air) lol my mum an MIL were in fits the MW didnt find it so funny, she was a right misery!
that one really made me laugh!!!
i can just imagine the look on the MW face