Baby blues or post natal depression?

Hope your feeling ok today Toon, it is really early days for you, and people will not expect much from you at such a tricky time, trying to adjust and work out a new way of handling the three routenes.

I had PND with my first , but only baby blues that lasted a bit longer with my others. I would just aim to complete one small thing or task , how or when you like it, every day and sod the rest, my PND was due I think to lack of control, like your being late for the school run, and I guess I'm a secret control freak! Once I started achieve just a small thing that I had wanted to do each day, I felt like I was managing and not a rubbish mum, and I tipped up the right way and took it from there.

You might wat to talk to your OH, if you havn't already and tell him you think the same thing might happen again, and what he can do now to help prevent it, I'm sure he would prefer you not to have this again and give you some time XX

I remember the week after I had Katie, I tried to do everything on zero sleep and nearly self combusted! Definitely get your oh to help out when he is there. You have 3 lo's and I know how hard that is and soon I'll know again :shock: (hopefully :pray: )

It will get better I promise xxx
OH only helps out himself. He went out at 11 this morning and didn't come back till 7.45 and he tipped up pissed! He was so into Jacob when he was born but he is not interested in Lucas at all. I moved away from my family when we bought our house, only like 15 miles or so but i feel really cut off right now. All my mates live in my old home town near my family.

I am actually considering leaving OH right now. He creates more work than he helps with. I'm practically going it alone now anyway so i might as well actually be alone. At least then i would move back to my old home town and be near friends and family for support xx
Aww hun. He really needs to get his finger out. He's not being fair at all. In fact he's been a bit of a wanker at times just recently.

the prick has just told me he has had a long and emotional day :rofl: i mean FFS he's been to the last home game of the season, watched his team lift the cup and get promoted then got pissed in the pub and he has the sheer audasity to tell me he has had a long emotional day, that just takes the fucking biscuit that like!! What an utter knob!!! xx
because i haven't got the energy lisa, and he's not worth the effort xx
Sending huge :hug: your way Toon.
Hope OH starts to do a bit more and help you out, he really does need to try harder.
he needs to be hung, drawn and quartered is what he needs!! And thats what will happen if i tell my dad whats been going on lol, i am going house hunting on thursday i think, see what my options are xx
I live with a work a holic and whilst he wouldn't go out and watch a match and get pissed (he'd rather work) he was the same with our LO's - i've never had any help and know exactly how you feel. I have to say i just admitted defeat and things are still the same now - what he does if no more than a lift here and there i even take them on holiday myself as i refuse to let them down and love being with them. Perhaps he needs to realise how close to laving you are, its one thing working but another getting drunk then telling you he had an emotional day - i think i would have packed my stuff and left there and then!
Fook me if I were closer I'd come round there, knock him out and take you and the boys back home with me.
Only just seen this thread, how are you feeling now Toon? :hug:
:hug: me too only just read it. I hope your OH has pulled his finger out!!! I would go mental if my OH went out on the piss without me when I havent been able to drink for the whole pregnancy!!!! :hug: He's going to be designated driver for the next year at least! Im sure youre doing a fab job xxx
Thanks lasses. I've had a really good day today but i have been out with family all day so lots of help and company.

My back is getting worse by the day to the point that i can barely walk now. The MW said i have to demand physio from the doctor and more suitable pain killers.

Me and OH had an almighty row on saturday night and i got alot off my chest. On sunday morning he woke me up with breakfast in bed :shock: he had got up early and done housework, made bottles and been to the shop and bought me flowers. He has also been helpful today :shock: i just hope it lasts because i don't want to leave him, i do love him and he is the father of my children at the end of the day so long let it continue.

I really think its my bad back affecting my mood, or at least i hope so, i'm hoping it gets better soon xx
Glad he's started to help and your feeling better - back ache is horrid as its effects everthing, make sure you do get onto doc and demand they do something xx

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