Planned Delivery..?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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I have lots of questions! What does planned delivery actually mean? Does it just mean induction? And do inductions always work as planned...? What do they involve? Do they go for your due date if the planned delivery is decided well in advance?

My consultant has already said I'll probably have a "planned delivery" as I'll be on heparin and it'll need to be stopped a determined amount of time before delivery...

Any help much appreciated :D xxx
not sure hun but it does sound like he means either an induction or a c-section. i think an induction involves either a pessary or a drip with drugs that start ur labour off- other ladies on here who had one will be able to tell u better. hope all goes well for u :hug:
Yes, a planned delivery generally means either an induction or a c-section. Depending on your preference and recommendations from your doc, they wil probably try to induce first to keep things natural, but if you and they are happy for it, then it could mean a scheduled c-section. It's something you need to discuss with your doc, cos I'm not sure of your situation and how you plan to deliver. If everything is green for a vaginal birth then they will usually try and get it as close to your due date as possible or slightly after. I doubt if they will do it earlier with your first baby, but I'm no doctor, so don't take my word for it! I don't have any experience of induction as I went into spontaneous labour with mine but I know plenty of others who have. They usually start with a pessary to soften and open your cervix, which can take anything froma couple of hours to days, depending on how ready your body is to start with. Then they might put you on a drip to start contractions or strengthen any you might already have, but I think this is very much dependant on your body. If you start to contract by yourself then they won't bother with this.

For some women, inductions work really well and have no problems, but others have been known to have very long drawn out labours, due mainly to the fact that their bodies just aren't ready to give birth so the docs are effectively forcing you to do it and it can take a while to take effect while your body tries to resist! You've got to remember that everyone is different so what works for one will be totally different for someone else. I'm sure you will be fine and you've still got quite a while to research it and prepare yourself for it all.

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