Planned C-Sections


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Well baby is breech and he's a good size so the m/w isn't sure he'll move in time for the birth, especially if I go early like I did with Paris. So I've got a few questions

How long were you in hospital?

Who gets to hold the baby?

Can I still breastfeed straight away?

When can I walk? Drive?

Is it painful?
How long were you in hospital?

I got into hospital 8 am on the Thursday ,had Willow at 16.42 pm,and was out by two pm the following Monday :D

Who gets to hold the baby?

My mum did. But I got her straughtaway the minute i was in recovery

Can I still breastfeed straight away?
Yes! Willow had latched on within 15 minutes of being in recovery-luckily the lady in recovery was very nice and made sure we had skin to skin contact etc as soon as possible-which was a good thing because tbh i was so out of it I probably wouldn't have remembered :oops:

When can I walk? Drive?

I walked to the shower the next afternoon. It was pretty painful. I was walking fine after a week or so,although it took a while to stop feeling completely stiff and sore-I didn't go out to walk the dog or anything til about 4 weeks afterwards-and you still have to take it easy for a good while after that.As for driving-I don't drive,but you have to wait 6 weeks before you can dirve again

Is it painful?

The actual op isn't,but you can get pains in your chest because of the trapped wind in the opening or something..I had a blood clot too,that was really sore,but even then,you're so drugged you don't notice.It's a weird feeling,I don't know how to describe it. Once the epidural numbs off,it is so painful to moce around though-it took me half an hour to hobble across the ward and into the shower-but the trick is to keep moving,or you'll stiffen up and it'll be even worse.

To be honest being sectioned wasn't as bad as I expected.I would still have rather done it naturally, but the section was relatively hassle free
How long were you in hospital? We were in for 3 1/2 days after our section.

Who gets to hold the baby? I had mine under general anasthetic so my OH had Clark for the first hour or so then I had him as soon as I came round.

Can I still breastfeed straight away? I did but I found the milk really slow coming in after a section and that led to us giving up and moving to bottle feeding.

When can I walk? Drive? Most insurance comanies wont insure you to drive until 6 weeks later.

Is it painful? No where near as bad as I thought it would be! I was up and about the next day, very sore but bearable!
I went into hospital at 7am on Thursday and baby was delivered at 0930. I got out on the Monday but felt well enough to go on the Sunday. I had to stay as my daughter would not breast feed - had she been or been bottle fed we would have gone on the Sunday.

Once the baby was born and it was known that all was ok, my husband was called over by the midwife to put her nappy on. My husband then brought her over to me within minutes of her being delivered. The anaesthetist then took her off my husband and gave her to me to hold whilst I was being stitched.

In recovery by about 10am wherby she was rooting about for food so the midwife put her to the breast. From the minute I was in recovery, I had skin to skin contact with her for a good 90 minutes. She was only wrapped back up so that we could go back to the ward.

I was out of bed and sitting in a chair by 10pm the same night. The night staff were keen to get me out of bed even for just a few minutes and I was keen to get out of bed. The next morning I had my catheter removed, my pain control pump taken out (at my request) and I walked to the shower where I showered myself and removed the wound dressing. It was all done very slowly but I don't remember it being painful. Perhaps a little difficult moving around, especially bending to to do things like putting on underwear and PJ bottoms but it was the best shower I have ever had!

I drove at around 5 weeks after the birth. I rang the insurance company and they had no specific time limit, they said that as long as my consultant or midwife was happy for me to drive that was fine. I was told in hospital that I could drive when ever I felt ready. I felt ready to drive after 4 weeks but thought that the insurance company would say I could not drive for 6 weeks.

I did not find the day after my planned caesarean painful. Some discomfort, but more so from my lingering SPD pain which was so much better than it had been. Perhaps this is why I do not feel that I was in any real pain after my caesarean as I had been in a lot of pain prior to having my daughter and had the caesarean due to the distress my SPD was causing. Take all the pain relief on offer and stock up on the painkillers before you get up and about.
How long were you in hospital?
I was in for four days but only because I was having trouble BFing.

Who gets to hold the baby?
Actually my OH held Tom whilst we were in the operating theatre. If I'd been more clued-up, I would've asked them beforehand to pass him to me.

Can I still breastfeed straight away?
Yes but sometimes milk is slower to come down with a section. The midwives will help you though.

When can I walk? Drive?
I was up and walking the next day. I just walked slowly. It wasn't painful at all but I took all the painkillers they gave me just incase. I was driving after about 2/3 weeks. I called my insurance company first and they said it was OK if my GP said it was ok; which she did.

Is it painful?
Nope. Not at all! I really felt I got the easy option especially with a planned section. The spinal block was painless. They give you a local anaesthetic first and that just feels like a bee sting. Once the block has worked, you don't feel a thing. It's very weird to know what they're doing and not to feel anything. When the block wears off, they will give you painkillers and keep giving you them until you're ready.

Had you thought about acupuncture to try and turn the baby?
Wishing you lots of luck. Don't worry. Get yourself all organised and prepared for when your LO arrives and then lay back and let the doctors do all the work!!!

Good luck!
How long were you in hospital? 47hrs

Who gets to hold the baby? DH while I was operated on, then me as soon as I was out of the OR

Can I still breastfeed straight away?
Yes...I chose not to however

When can I walk? Drive?
I was walking (slowly lol) an hour after the last staple was in :cheer: Drove after 4 weeks but just because of insurance, I felt I could much earlier.

Is it painful? You have to be careful sneezing/coughing but it's lots less painful than you would imagine.

There is a world of difference between a planned section and an emergency one. Last time it was the most painful thing imaginable...this time was a breeze- Good luck :hug:

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