C - Section


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2007
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Hello all :wave:

I've managed to scare myself! I went for my 34 week check up on Thursday, and was told that Beanie baby is breech, and I may have to have a c-section. I am going back for a scan at 36 weeks to check babys position before we make a decision.

I was reading up on c-sections last night, and have managed to scare myself reading about the recovery from them :doh: Did any mummy's out there have a c-section? How did you get on? What was it like when recovering in hospital?

Thank you

Well I'm sure it will all be fine, but my mum had a C-sec with my little brother and she never fully recovered... :cry:
My mum had a natural birth with me, and a C-section with my brother and she personally said she preferred the section! It was a lot less frantic than her natural delivery (there were complications with my cord) and she healed quite quickly afterwards.

I think it's normally about 6-8 weeks recovery time but obviously everyone is slightly different.

Try not to worry too much- there's still time for baby to turn and the surgeons perform C-sections on a near daily basis so it's not something they will be uneasy with.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Plus, just think, if you DID have to have an elective section, your fanny won't be ruined like the rest of us!! :wink: :rotfl:
i have had 2 c sections one was a emergancy and the other was a planned c section (i have a heart problem so i have to be careful when i labour) it took me 4 weeks to recover wih both of my c sections, to be honest it' s not too bad, not painfull realy as long as you rest, take paracetomal and take it easy after having the baby for 4 weeks, no driving till about 6 to 8 weeks after the section and no vacuming for 4 weeks, oh and make sure you keep the scar dry and clean, if you do this the scar will heal quickker
Well my sister had a C section and while her son was born healthy and well, she herself had a terrible time afterwards. I think her case is the exception not the rule though, so bear that in mind.

The wound became infected badly, even though she kept it clean and she was unable to really do anything those first few weeks as was in a lot of pain and could not really bond with her son properly either. She had to bottle feed then also. Alas because of the infection it left her with a more unsightly scar than other women I've seen with C section ones.

My sister refuses to have any more children now.

I've known other women who have had C sections and not had any problems whatsoever apart from the 6 weeks healing time and not being able to drive. Apparently can make BF'ing a bit more tricky with the wound till it begins to heal. And afaik its only a 2-3 day stay in hospital if its straight forward and no complications arise. So not long. One friend has had 2 natural births, then an emergency C section premie baby and then her last child also was a C section (due to her small and babys huge size and time lapse between previous pregnancy and C section etc). But both those were fine for her and both babies were fine also :)

Just remember it is a major operation and while many are done, if there is a chance your baby will turn before your due date etc, then I'd give that a chance to happen first before opting for the C section. Baby can still turn so not all is lost. I guess it depends when they are considering a C section for, how far past 36 weeks they will be prepared to let you go.
planned sections are alot easier then emergency ones... so not scaring you i had emergency... the section was ok, i went into shock after so couldnt hold my baby for ages, healing was fine whilst in hospital but time i got home i had infection and oozing wound which eventually ruptured, and took me about 6 months to heal. with my 2nd i was determind not to have another section as im sure it caused my pnd and anxiety after the birth, but this time luckily i managed a normal and it was alot better.

if u do have one just make sure u rest for ages after, let every one wait on you :D
A very good friend of mine has a planned c-section at 39 weeks because their baby was breech. I decided to have a c-section because my labour was not progressing and 2 epidurals had failed, so that was a decision I made. I recovered fasted than my friend - not sure why. Jenna was born sunday night / monday morning around midnight, and I went home on Wed afternoon, again my decision as the ward wanted to keep me in longr. (We were under a private consultant who has known us for a couple of years so he was happy to let me go, despite the nursing staff feeling otherwise). The first 24 hours after the birth were the worst - I was not allowed up for 24 hours, had a catheter in place and was on regular pain medication. By the time I went home on Wed afternoon, I was walking to the car (slowly!), and just on paracetamol. I would say after the first 10 days I did not need any pain relief at all. On the other hand, my friend was in much more pain than me, couldn't go up & down the stairs for days, and definitely took longer for the pain to go.

I wonder if this is because this was the first time she has had major surgery, but I have had quite a bit of surgery and didn't find the whole thing so bad.

I will opt for a planned c-section next time, as I found the whole experience very calm, no panic etc. We will have the same consultant next time (he also performed the surgery), so not worried about it at all.
I hadnt even thought about a Csection then at 40w was told Id need one so was in hospital a week before I had it ( was prepped 5times in this week) BUT Having that little bit of time to research was brilliant I went into it happy was calm through out the op and I can say I would happily have a c section again. I have no horror stories. I truely enjoyed my c section have no problems accepting that I had to have it done. My MW told me 3 days later if I had progressed in my induced labour and giving birth she would have been a still birth. How can I not be happy about my C section when the out come of a natural birth doesnt even bare thinking about.
For me personally I would say being as educated as you can on the procedure before hand will make a huge difference. I had pain relief in hospital for the three days and the paracetamol for the first day at home then nothing else.
I had to have an emergency section, which was the last thing on earth that I wanted - my plans were to go natural :wall: I had pre-eclampsia and as my back was so swollen it took ages to get the spinal in. The section was fine though, and although I was tender afterwards it didn't get in the way of breastfeeding. It took me a few weeks to stop being sore. Your baby may still turn though and you may not have to have one, but if you do you know it's for the best xx
Thank you all for the replies everyone. I should stop worrying!

Hi hun, try not to worry as what will be, will be. I had an emergency section after an awful labour and the section was the easier part. (Actullly very calm etc). Looking back i must have been very lucky recovery wise as, yes i was in pain but it was bearable. I was at a friends wedding 4 weeks later though and dancing etc. My scar is also very neat and hardly visible after 2 years.
Im contemplating a section this time-more swayed towards it infact. The only thing worring me is if my recovery is worse and the fact i have a 2 year old now.

Good luck. :D
I was terrified at the thought of a section after my sis had her daughter by emergency section when she went into labour @ 34 weeks.she had a bad time but luckily her and bubba are now fit and healthy :cheer:

10 weeks later, I was induced at the same hospital and after 36 hours, they said the induction had failed and I was going to theatre for a section..I was terrified but I tell you it was the most fantastic experience!!! The staff made it so special, OH was there, he got to tell me the sex of baby (we didnt know before hand) and they all went the extra mile to make it a wonderful experience. I will never forget the feeling of her being lifted from me and hearing her cry!! Wonderful

The recovery wasnt too bad...take ALL the pain killers they offer :wink: I did get an infection in my scar a week later, but anti bioctics soon sorted me out.

I will never ever regret having a section, I had the most lovely birth experience and I would certainly never be scared to have another one in the future.

Good luck to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hi, i had a long and very painful labour last time with the baby being distressed so ended up with a section, i recovered quickly, u will recover quick too if ur healthy and if your not goin through labour first u wont be as tired,i was up on my feet (hunched over a bit lol) the next day.. im having a planned section this time and im actually looking forward to it, als my scar is barely noticeable..
mine was fine,

i was up and about the next day.

i wouldnt worry about it too much it's not as bad as some sites make it out to be.
I agree with Linda, I was up and about the next day, no where near as bad as i imagined xx
You will be fine hun! I had a C-Section after 20 hrs of labour, and the labour was much much harder! (not that I advocate elected C-Sections, but it WAS a major relief!) My recovery was rough but mostly because I didn't have enough help to get off my feet and rest.
I had an emergency section after 10 hours of labour (baby was in distress).
It wasn't an ideal situation as afterwards as I couldn't get out of bed without help for the first day so midwives and hubby had to help with baby a lot but it wasn't as bad as I though it was going to be. Even having the catheter removed wasn't that bad!

I still got skin to skin, although not as quickly as with natural delivery and I still got to breastfeed. Even my scar is better than I thought it would be!!

There are risks, and they will be described to you but they do sections all the time so the chances are slim of complications.

On another note, they thought Lucy was breach too so I had a scan at 37 weeks and she had moved, so you may be lucky!
I had a c-section due to health issues at 39 weeks. It was all planned and I was told on the Tuesday before that I would have Mhairi a week later!

I went into it really calmly, my mum had had one when she had me and was my birth partner, so I knew what to expect.

It was lovely and calm, and we had the rolling stones playing in the background! :rotfl: Surgeons choice, not mine, but it might explain why I have a rocker for a baby! :roll: :rotfl:

It was a good experiance and I would easily do it again. I was up and about with in a few hours and my pain was well managed.

All I would say to you is, rest rest rest after it!

I felt like superwoman, and thought I could do anything and everything. 12 days later, I had an infection!

So let everyone do everything for you and just lie there, bonding with your baby!

Only just seen this.
I had a planned section with Tom as he was so big.
It was a BREEZE!
One minute Ali and I were watching telly, and an hour and a half later, we're back with our baby!
I didn't have any pain before or during the section at all. It was EASY PEASY!
Afterwards, it was more uncomfortable than painful and that only lasted a couple of days. I didn't have any pain killers at home at all and was up on my feet and doing everything normally straight away.
You have to be wary of lifting etc. and do be absolutely anal about keeping that wound clean as that will make recovery even quicker.
Do not worry about having a section! It IS a major operation but it's quick, easy and fine!
i had an emergency c section with jayde and to be hon est it wasnt as bad as i thought i was up and about the next day just dont rush into things when you got home as i must admit i think i did too much when got home good luck hun :hug: :hug:

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