That really reminds me of DDs head and I'd say he does have plagio, here is a pic of how her ears were.... (it's hard to judge the flatness as she had so much hair!)
I didn't realise that they were as badly misaligned until I looked back on this pic, I will check them tomorrow to see what they're like now. The ear on the side she used to lie on has the tiniest ear canal where it was squashed shut, you can hardly get an ear thermometer in it.
I know I have trouble getting her hair straight when I do tie it up so her head is still affected.
When we went to Cardiff they were so helpful and didn't push us at all to have a helmet, which I really expected. The clinic was really nice, they spent ages with us, measured her head with a machine and gave us an exact detail of how bad her plagio was. If I remember correctly her plagio was moderately bad.
I don't know how to say this without it sounding horrible, but if she'd been a boy I would have had the helmet because of how noticeable flat head can be on lads because of their short hair, but we thought that with her hair being thick it wouldn't be so noticeable. I didn't think about the long term problems like with glasses etc.
It's definately worth having a consult, I can't recommend them highly enough.

I didn't realise that they were as badly misaligned until I looked back on this pic, I will check them tomorrow to see what they're like now. The ear on the side she used to lie on has the tiniest ear canal where it was squashed shut, you can hardly get an ear thermometer in it.
I know I have trouble getting her hair straight when I do tie it up so her head is still affected.
When we went to Cardiff they were so helpful and didn't push us at all to have a helmet, which I really expected. The clinic was really nice, they spent ages with us, measured her head with a machine and gave us an exact detail of how bad her plagio was. If I remember correctly her plagio was moderately bad.
I don't know how to say this without it sounding horrible, but if she'd been a boy I would have had the helmet because of how noticeable flat head can be on lads because of their short hair, but we thought that with her hair being thick it wouldn't be so noticeable. I didn't think about the long term problems like with glasses etc.
It's definately worth having a consult, I can't recommend them highly enough.