Plagio & Brachy support thread

That really reminds me of DDs head and I'd say he does have plagio, here is a pic of how her ears were.... (it's hard to judge the flatness as she had so much hair!)


I didn't realise that they were as badly misaligned until I looked back on this pic, I will check them tomorrow to see what they're like now. The ear on the side she used to lie on has the tiniest ear canal where it was squashed shut, you can hardly get an ear thermometer in it.

I know I have trouble getting her hair straight when I do tie it up so her head is still affected.

When we went to Cardiff they were so helpful and didn't push us at all to have a helmet, which I really expected. The clinic was really nice, they spent ages with us, measured her head with a machine and gave us an exact detail of how bad her plagio was. If I remember correctly her plagio was moderately bad.

I don't know how to say this without it sounding horrible, but if she'd been a boy I would have had the helmet because of how noticeable flat head can be on lads because of their short hair, but we thought that with her hair being thick it wouldn't be so noticeable. I didn't think about the long term problems like with glasses etc.

It's definately worth having a consult, I can't recommend them highly enough.
kina thats exactly how lelands ears ae but cos one side bulges so bad it covers them up from a pic . and your right , if he was a lil girl i might be more willing to take the risk in leaving it to nature but he isnt , and chances are his gonna have thin , fair hair and probably always short so its gonna be sooo noticable ! and his only 4 months old and this is already how bad it is , his got prob another 4 months before his sitting on his own !

i have one of those clinics near me in london , both the LOC band and STARband are only an hour away from me .
James had a flat head but because it was right at the back I didnt worry too much, it got better when he became more mobile and is hardly noticeable now.

If its affecting the alignment of lelands ears Id be inclined to get a second opinion from a specialist

God i never realised ky's was so out of shape, i feel bad for not realising :(
dont feel bad , ky has loads of loverly hair and like u say its at the back , if lelands hadnt changed his eyes / ears etc then it wouldnt notice alot either :hug: plus lelands a baldy !

are u now considering doing something about it too then ? :hug:
Sage, my little boys head was the same shape as yours, the way it was explained to me is, the circumference of the head at its widest point should be aprrox 80% of the length front to back. Charlies head was wider than it was long! If you are concerned please book a free consultation with a helmet provider to get proffessional advice, my gp and health visitor kept telling me Charlies head would get better on its own but if anything was getting flatter as he was growing.
Have you thought about cranial osteopathy. There was quite a lot on the forum about flat head around when joe was born and Im sure people were recommending this. Its just gentle massaging of the head (obviously there is more to it than that). I had thought about it but didnt as there wasnt anyone close and I wasnt convinced his head was that bad. I can still see his flat bit but I know where to look.

try not to be sad :hug:
H hun

Im pretty useless really and dont know much about flathead but didnt want to read and run and wanted to give you some :hug: :hug:
thanks jen :hug:

ive had cranial osteopath myself , not sure how it would help head shape , its more to do with his neck movement which so far physio is working wonders
My LO has a flat head too... Its on the right side at the back & he prefers this way to look too although he can look the other way.

My HV said not to worry it'd get better as he became more mobile, but having read this post I think I'm gonna take him to Dr's next week for a second opinion. :(
yeh zodiac thats exactly what my HV said so i didnt think about it but after reading this thread..... :think:

Yeh G3M i might take him to my GP next week and see what he thinks. Im worried he'll say leave it, it will get better but what if it gets worse and its harder to correct? From the front you cant tell at all, but from the back his one ears is slightly higher than the other. id never of noticed unless i had a really good look but they're def not totally in-line. Do you think i should seek futher advice, im sure my GP will say "oh dont worry" :think:
Your Gp's will tell you exactly what mine did, same as the health visitors. They will say it will sort itself when they spend less time sitting up and moving around, its not anything medical and therefore they are not really interested as they see it as cosmetic. The bottom line is that unless it is in the mild category then it almost defiantely will not sort itself.

Please if you have any doubts about it see a helmet provider who will measure your little ones head and give you free advice. I cant tell you how relieved i am i did something about it.

If anyone wants to see pictures of charlies head before and after pm your email and i will send them to you.
I agree with Swan, I was told repeatedly by my GP and HV that Ella's head was fine and would right itself. They totally missed the torticollis she was suffering from and her head still isn't right. Personally I believe that unless you want to be fobbed off the only way to find out the severity of it is to go for a free consult, which I found to be totally non pressurised.
Can i suggest you try a cranial osteopath? Whn Morgan was born it was very quick so his head didnt get a chance to correct itself, he went for cranial massage to allow the bones to move back to thier correct position. His head went up 2cm within a week of the treatmernt and was a different shape after too. It cost £40 so must be worth a shot. :hug:
I think from what I remember the cranial osteo gently massaged the plates in the head and assisted them to naturally re align. Dont quote me on this though. It would be worth a try though. I think it was also suggested for fractious children, it seemed to help them be calmer.
i shall give my osteo a call , can only help .

have booked free assessment with the LOCband people , 19th june .
Thats fantastic Gemma, please let me know how you get on.

:x took him to the doctor he says he has slight Brachycephaly and not to worry. thats exactly what i thought he'd say. I asked well if i want to see anyone else about it where do i go from here. all he said is oh he wont need it and im not sure!!

I dont no what to do now :cry:
Sage why don't you try the clinic in Cardiff I went to? They can scan his head and give you the information to go away with, you can then make a decision on whether you think it will be worth doing.

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