Plagio & Brachy support thread

Try not to beat yourself up about it hun :hug: the fact is if it's gonna happen it will & repositioning only helps once the problem is already there. It's not your fault that your LO's head has become mis-shappen, but now you know it's there at least you've done some research & are looking at how to help cure it.

Same as what Gem said really. My Dr did refer us to a paediatrician, but they didn't take any photo's, measurements or anything & just said come back in 6 months.... Like he's even gonna remember Oliver & what his head was like then!!! :wall:

I notice you're from Wales. The specialist I'm seeing have a centre based nr Cardiff. It's really nice, no pressure. You can go and have a consultation & get your babies head scanned to check the dimensions all free of charge. Worth doing whatever you decide really.

Fingers crossed for you & your LO. Keep us updated with what you do :hug:
id suggest just going for the conult if u can, they'll give u a physio sheet for excerises ( well LOCband do ) and take a measurement , if they think physio and reposioning will help they will say come back for a check in a month or so ( rep' u should get results in 6 weeks) .

please dont beat up yourself , it sounds like your really chilled out and sometimes id love to be like that then a worry wart , hence him having it fitted so early ! at 4 months old , youve plenty of time ( best time to fit is 4-7 months ) some wont even fit till 5 months depending how well lil one holds his head up !
ooowww im so pleased for leland!! :clap: make sure you get a picture for us next time his helmet is off so we can see the improvement!! im dying to see! We've had an interesting time with kyran. we noticed that once he started sleeping on his side and now that he's sat up that his head HAS got better. we took him back and his measurements have got better!! Its still not 100% and me and OH have decided that the cut off point is 9months. if we can still see the flatness by then he'll be having a helmet. Isnt there some sort of repositioning of some sort the doctors can do? im sure ive read that somewhere? ive spoken to my HV and she just looked at me blankly! :? i swear that woman doesnt have a clue :roll:
some pics of my lil pea head





awww well done leland! :dance: :clap:

shadow i to live in wales and went to the cardiff office. they're really helpful, booked me a free appointment within the week and they sent me before the appointment an information brochure and directions (its in llantrisant nr cardiff)

Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! It looked good a couple of weeks ago when you showed me but now it looks brilliant!!!!!
Well went to the Doctors today about Jadon's flat head. He responded exactly as I knew he would, the old "he'll grow out of it/ it'll right itself", however he did admit that sometimes it doesnt sort itself out and that either slight or severe flatness can remain. I aksed him opinion on the Goi Goi pillow and he recommended it, so I am going to try that for 1 month and check for improvement. I have photographed Jadons head and I am planning on having much more tummy time, using the goi goi pillow and I've just bought a bumbo seat too. I am going to wait until Jadon is 5 months old, if there has not been any improvement I will see the specialtist, if there has been some I will wait 6 months and if there has not been significant improvement, I will definately have that free consultation.

I know that the longer you leave it, the harder it is to correct, but this is the decision that me and OH have agreed on, I've done loads of research online about it, and we feel its the best direction to take at present.

Thanks for all your help and advise though guys.

Rach xx
Gem - Wow lelands head looks so good now. Bet you can't wait for next check-up to see progress. It'll only be a few weeks now til he'll be finished with the helmet if correction keeps going at this rate! :dance:

Shadow - Well, sounds like you and your OH have had a long sensible chat about your LO and have come up with a sound plan. The helmet option is obviously a last resort as it isn't nice for babies to be put through, & it is expensive, so good to try re-positioning etc. first. Fingers crossed your see a difference soon. Keep us updated :hug:
shadow , thats just fine to do ! his still younge and at 6 months still had plenty of time , some dont get fitted till a year and still get results . i was told with repositining you should see results in 6 weeks , just like sage has , i didnt get any improvement just worsened , hence we went for treatment early becuase of his torticollis things would just have got worse . aslong as his soft spot is still soft , they will do treatment , and after consultation , if you have the money , helmet is fitted within 2 weeks :hug:
one small number to say


his lost/ gained how ever u look at it , 3 mm in 2 weeks ! and is now classes as mild ! but were continueing treatment as alot of rounding out as to be done and longer its on the better !
thats an amazing difference but it make me so angry that, that can be achieved and yet parents are being told they will grow out of it.

You and your oh are amazing for following through and fighting it. And of course leland.!!!

Anyone who is in any doubt, go for it. Joes head is still flatish, but you dont notice it because he has a good head of hair now but I will never have it shaved in. (better remember to tell him this when he is a teenager)
Thats fantastic!!! :cheer:

Can't wait til our next check-up to get the stats on Olivers head. I can definitely see an improvement already and we're on week 3.

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