

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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i am going to make an appt 2 see mygp tommorow over my constant crying its actually takin over my life i hate it... it takes me hours 2 get 2 sleep because of it.. does anyone no if a gp can give me some pills or something for this???
Could you have pre natal depression? I thought I had that last time but it turned out I had low iron whioch was making it difficult to function and making me feel depressed. It would have been at roughly 30 weeks.
:hug: :hug:
I didnt have depression and felt better once I started getting a bit of iron and signed off work.
the midwife has given me iron tablets cos my iron in my blood was low i havnt got round 2 getting them from the chemist yet... i will get round there tommorow and pick them up see if that helps for about a week if not ill go see my gp.

if it is pre-natal depression can i get something for that... i know this sounds really evil but sometimes when im upset n cry i blame it on tameron n i feel guilty even thou hes not hear yet :?
:hug: i dont think you can take anti-depressants in preg.. however..ive seen an increasing trend of mummys to be needing iron tablets and feeling depressed here..strange perhaps its just coincidence.. if you have any pregncare or preg vitamines try taking those untill you get your iron tablets...(i think preg vitamines have 100% RDA on iron anyways.. so it might be better for you to take the preggy vits) do you have any friends who could go swimming with or.. perhaps your parent craft classes might start soon? i found that going to aquanatal, and parent craft really helped me last time.. i was depressed mostly due to circumstances (where i was living.. my ex.. pregnant at 18 etc etc etc) and i found that making sure i got out to do something atleast every other day kept me occupied, and made me feel a bit better.. have some of these :hug: :hug: try writting your feelings down.. it really helps.. you can alway burn the book later lol xx
no advice really, tho' i think what lisa said is spot on. just wanted to give you lots of these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
U can have anti depressants in pregnancy as I was offered them at my last doctors appointment (been feeling very down plus have a history of depression) but decided to wait until babys born and see how I feel then. Its worth speaking to doctor about it though.

Like Lisa said try and keep occupied and get yourself out if u can, will make u feel better being more active although i know its easier said than done!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hiya hun, im sorry u feel this way. i know its a hard time i know exactly how u feel. when i was 14 weeks i went to the docs with constant cryin as id just had a threatend miscariage, he referd me for counciling but i was told if i went then they would automaticaly involve social services when baby is born to see if i can cope with her.
i was fuming! every woman must get like this in pregnancy and they should be able to get help but evidently i coudlnt.
anyway i didnt go to the councelin i declined and i just started to keep a diary like lisa said, it really helped, ive felt so much better since then.
have some :hug: :hug:
and try and go for some walks or into another town shoppin somthin like that to keep ur mind off things.
take care xxx
jodie_honey said:
hiya hun, im sorry u feel this way. i know its a hard time i know exactly how u feel. when i was 14 weeks i went to the docs with constant cryin as id just had a threatend miscariage, he referd me for counciling but i was told if i went then they would automaticaly involve social services when baby is born to see if i can cope with her.
i was fuming! every woman must get like this in pregnancy and they should be able to get help but evidently i coudlnt.
anyway i didnt go to the councelin i declined and i just started to keep a diary like lisa said, it really helped, ive felt so much better since then.
have some :hug: :hug:
and try and go for some walks or into another town shoppin somthin like that to keep ur mind off things.
take care xxx

i think thats aweful..to tell someone.. ok.. here is how you deal with your feelings.. by talkign to someone.. but if you
do.. we will contact social servises to see if you can cope... infact its probably worse that you dont go to see a counsellor than to go and see one.. i think that it is bloody aweful for them to do that..

i know that during my training.. keeping a journal has helped me to deal with issues.. even study.. essays etc nevermind personal life.. its just like haivng a mini counsellor there.. all a counsellor does is listen to you talking.. yes they guide you down paths to make you see what is wrong and how to get better.. but the long and short of it all is that you can help yourself.. it may take a little longer by trying to help yourself by keeping a journal.. but i think you might find it helps xx
I think the advice here is sound so have some :hug: :hug:
thanks guys. i use 2 keep a diary when i broke up wuit my ex it took up most of my tym and kept me occupied for most of the day so i think i will start a new one. i would go out but my best mates in austraila untill the 9th of jan and my other mate is allways wanting 2 go out clubbing n i cant even dance for longer then an half an hour. and as for the rest of them :? im getting bored with doing the same day in day out... they tried to put me on anti-depressants wen i was just 7 years old. my mum wouldnt allow it i wouldnt want to take them now but ill try the vitamins i think my diet deff needs to change (watsits, chocolate and diet coke) :?
thanks for the help :) :hug:
The thing with anti depressants is they are not a quick fix. They take a while to get into your system and start working. And when you come off of them you have to do so slowly and properly and may still find you are depressed at the end of it and need to go back on them :roll:

I was prescribed them once by my GP but when I got home could not bring myself to go down the route of taking them, and took on my depression in other ways and got through it. Mine occurred from a sleeping problem and I had to battle that to be able to tackle the depression that stemmed from it. Wasn't always easy, but I had a couple of good friends I could talk to, an understanding partner and I really wanted to get better without needing pills.

There may be many reasons for your feeling down. As others have said, keeping busy, even if its just writing your feelings down is a good thing.

You may have the winter blues and be needing more daylight, lots of people suffer that this time of year, and it may be compounded by your being pregnant also and hormones fluctuating and so on.

I'd really not go the route of pills unless its a last resort tbh. I'd be inclined to try counselling, keeping busy, both body (as far as possible) and mind, napping when you can so your lack of sleep at night does not cause you to feel worse (lack of sleep alone can make you feel depressed over a period of time), get outside in the fresh air a couple of times a day, especially if its bright or a bit sunny. And hopefully be able to talk to someone close to you if you are feeling upset or worried. Even if they hold you while you cry, they are there and are a comfort. :hug: :hug:
Just to know that you dont feel right and that other people also feel like that can help a lot. Talking about it is definately good and get your bum down to the chemist for those iron tablets. :D

Take them with fresh orange juice as it helps the body absorb the iron. :hug:

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