Pick up put down method (baby whisperer)


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2008
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I have decided that Dylan needs to be able to start soothing and settling himself to sleep and i would rather do this sooner rather than later. This is because it's getting ridiculous getting him off to sleep. He will only go to sleep if he is being rocked in his bouncer :roll: He has nearly outgrown it as well! It's also getting stupid because we have to take the bloody thing everywhere with us.

I attneded a local sleep clinic run by midwives and they recommended controlled crying. Having read loads of info and people's experiences of CC i have decided to only use that as a last resort.

Im DETERMINED to make a start on this tomorrow and have decided to see how the pick up put down method goes with him. Has anyone else done this or had experience of it? Any advice at all would be great! xx
We used CC crying with our first child - but like you it was a last resort. This time we've kind of discovered our own method which has worked well. I feed baby then put him down when he's tired but awake. Then i stand with him and hold his hand, put my hand on his chest or stroke his hair til he goes to sleep. The downside is I can't leave him til he's asleep - but this only takes about 10 mins. The up side is that there's no screaming involved and he seems to recognise this as his bedtime routine. Hope this helps. Good luck x
At around 9-10 months with Olivia, we had exhausted all other techniques/ideas regarding getting baby to sleep of a night... and the only one that worked like a charm was... Controlled Crying!!

Yes, it took one night of 45 mins crying! but it worked and has done since... any little glitch, if she tries the boundaries some nights, we just stick to it and it works!

go for it and let me know how it goes!! I am a big believer in CC!


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