pick up put down? ~ Edwards sleeping thread.* UD night 3


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
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has anyone tried it? i cant find any info online.. only if you buy these expert books.. can anyone help me on what you do/did thanks.

We have decided that chalrs gonna sleep in with al for a few nights and im in her bed i have to sort something out.. so here goes.

Ok 1st night.

bottle downstairs
story in bed

I leave the room
he fidgits and rolls around chattign to himself for a while.. he starts to winge i go in lay him down (as hes on his hands and knees) he starts playing with his feet and chattign to himself.. i leave the room
im bk and forth laying him down for the next 20 mins.

then he starts crying.
Pick up stops crying looks around the room
put down grabs his feet rolls aobut i step out of view
starts crying pick up looks around
put down ^ repeate
starts crying pick up he snuggles in stops crying
put down starts crying
pick up snuggles in still crying let him settle
put down starts crying
till we get to constant crying (think hes over the stage and is jsut trying to get to sleep) i lay him in his 'sleeping possition' he holds my hand and crys.. i leave him for a few seconds till hes crying again
Pick up still crying so i lay him in his sleeping possition in my arms and he stops
put down starts crying
pick up in sleeping possition - stops crying
lay down winges a bit then winges to sleep
total time 1 hour
total pick up put down 30mins

dreading tonight.
we tried this with jack, and it worked he sleeps 10hrs straight now
i think the idea is too pick them up when they cry and as soon as they stop put them down again
this is what we did anyway, took a few nights but once he realised he wasnt going to get up again he tended too fall asleep
pm me if you want any more info
I've looked at this before, and found it a bit confusing!

I think that basically you wind down gently with a quiet nighttime routine, and thenput them in their cot awake. If they cry pick up, rub/pat the back steadily and 'ssh' them, and then as soon as the crying stops, put down in the cot, still shushing and patting, slowing gradually (which I could never do, as I couldn't find the right angle!) until they're fully asleep. If crying starts again, pick up. Repeat as needed.

I tried this, and it just didn't work for me - after 90 minutes Sprog was more wide awake than ever, and my back was killing me. I think I was getting too stressed with it in hindsight, and Sprog picked up on that. I'm going to try it again now he's older for daytime naps, as he won't sleep in his cot during the day.
night 1 part 2

went better than expected. the 1st few winges (which were because he wanted his bottle to get bk to sleep)

i picked up put down once or twice. then shushed him to sleep..

this happened all night 12 times.. then he woke at 5.30 when i had to go for a wee.

so tried pick up put down untill 6.15 when i was picking him up he was jsut chatting to me.. no intention of going bk to sleep so we got up.

im obviously shattered lol. but hoping that tonight will be easier. im going to have an early night whatever happens.
Keep going I did a very similar thing last week when getting rid of Corey's dummy. It does get easyer... Im getting 7 til 7 now, or If I fancy a lie in, I go into him when I hear him chattering and playing in there about half 6, feed him, and put him down again, he'll go till about 9am!!

It does get easyer I promise, but might take a few days/a week.

Good Luck :hug:
Again, keep trying. It worked well for James when he was smaller and refused to nap during the day. Having said that, we're having a lot of unsettled nights at the moment and it's not working as well now. I suspect it might be because OH and I aren't being as consistent as we should be. I'd let OH sleep and do it myself but I'm knackered - and back to work in a week!
Good luck.
day 2

nap 1.


pick u put down for 20 mins. in the end crying when being picked up starting to think he is jsut trying to get off as its a wingey cry. so left him while patting back saying shush shush and he goes off.. decide next nap no pick up unless he gets histerical.. only patting and shushing so he knows im there.

nap 2

completly grumpy child for over an hour. take him up and he keeps rolling over to crawl but still crying.. pat and shush for over 20 mins.. then leave the room to wee and he is histerical. go back in after a few mins as i need a bit of a breather (this is so emotional) go in and hes starting to go off..i dont know why but jsut before they go off it must be a sleep state or something but he cant be consolled.. anyways i shush him and he goes t sleep..

this is harder than i thought :(
Sounds hard work hun.....I don't know much about this technique....but my Lo is a nightmare daytime sleeper and I really want her to sleep in her bed (not on my knee after been rocked for 15 mins) might try it if it works for you. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have just done my first week of it. It was really hard. I didnt read anything, but just ensured he was in bed awake and let him learn to soothe himself, when he cried I did PUPD 1st night took over an hour to settle him, but tonight he has settled himself. Both LO's in bed by 7.15 :dance:
He slept from 10 til 6.30 the 4th night, that is amazing for Tom. He was up every 2 hours previous to PUPD!
Urchin taught me about sleep cycles :D
thanks for the replies girls :D

night 2.

Tea at 4pm
play time with daddy
bath at 6pm.
jammies and bottle till 6.45 when he is more or less falling asleep however much daddy tried to keep him awake.

down at 6.50
no pick up put down.
cried soothed shush pat
hes now learnt how to compeltly crawl round the cot which is dangerous half asleep lol

charls in the bath and keeps laughing at her barbies or something so he kept trying to see her.

again it takes 30 mins to settle him but he more or less did it by himself. tbh even though this is probably controlled crying more than pick up put down.. i dont feel so bad because im actually in the room with him and i havent left him by himself sort of thing. really hope tonight goes well fingers crossed.
sounds like you are doing a great job lisa
hope it goes well tonight :pray: :pray:
night 2

He doesnt stur at his usually 11-12 although i do lol

he sturs about 4 times which i just wake and say shhh shhh shhh in bed, for one i have to get up and turn him over (as he fell asleep on his front) then he went bk off to sleep..
around 6am he has gone on his front again when i get up to turn him he wakes up then starts chatting.. so i give him 15 mins.. then al comes in and says u want me to get up with him? for this im eternally thankfull for coz my back is kiling in charlottes tiny bed lol.. so off i jump inot my own bed with charlotte.. and get aobut another hours sleep..

looks like this routein is starting to work :D im goin in my own bed tonight..:D
day and night 3

morning nap 9.45am.. grizzly for 15 mins then the constant cry till sleep with mummy shushh shhh in sight but further away from cot..

afternoon nap 2pmish
same chatting crawling lookign around.. oh yeah im in bed i should grizzle.. i decide not to shush but to sit in view of him.. he isnt even bothered now that im there he would rather look at the cars on the wall. 15 mins and hes asleep.

bed time routein tea at 4pm then he is looking for more when charl has pudding so he gets a banana and yoggie mixed.. wolfs the lot so he gets half a weetabix to.. and eat all that.. play time with daddy.. daddy baths him then comes down for quiet time jammies and bottle..

up to bed at 7.30 tonight as hes not as tired. in cot.. 2 grizzles and hes asleep ! :D he went to sleep while i was sorting charl out.. went in to chk him and hes zzzzzzzz :D

3 nights down and its worked..
well done lisa, hope you can get some good nights sleep now that edward is starting to give himself to sleep. Big pat on the back to you, well done :clap: :clap: :clap: :hug:
night 3 went really well. i had to get up 2 times jsut to turn him over coz he got stuck on his tum.. he got up at 7 :D

naps today havent counted coz we have been out
Wow, glad i've found this thread. Think i'm going to give this technique a go when Jess is better , she used to sleep 7:30-6:30/7am until 4 teeth popped through and every night has been a nightmare. So hopefully she'll have got over this horrible cold next week and we'll give it a go.

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